How do you feel your congregation has consistently treated you as a minister?
I am beloved
I am well cared for
I am listened to and respected
I am not respected
I am a stray dog they do not want around
What online Bible program/app do you use for your study (select all you regularly use)?
PC Study Bible
Please Specify:
The congregation where I worship needs to become more ethnically diverse
Agree, but we are not making progress
Agree, and we have made progress
Disagree, we already reflect our area in ethnicity
Not Sure
Donnie Debord asked for some research help. Check all that you would agree with below: What do you think about Jesus?
He was truly divine
He was truly human at the incarnation
He had a truly divine mind at the incarnation
He had a truly human mind during the incarnation
He had both a human and divine mind during the incarnation
He was a man who became divine
Keeping up with the members of the congregation (if you are doing something unique please ALSO click "other" and share what if you will)
We feel we are doing a good job keeping up with our members who are not physically present AND are ministering to them well.
We feel we are doing a good job of keeping up with our members who are not physically present at this point but are struggling to minister to them
We feel we are NOT doing a good job keeping up with our members who are not physically present at this time
Please Specify:
How does your congregation track giving?
We basically just count the money and post the amount
We track trends in the offering amount
We keep records of who is giving and who is not (as best we can)
We contact members who do not give or who were giving but have stopped
We contact "new givers" to the work
Please Specify:
What is your current dominate ministry mood?
I feel burned out most of the time
Most days, I would quit if I could
I am tired but not ready to quit
I feel like I need a week or two off and I'd be ready to go again
I am optimistic that things are getting better
I am excited about the future and can't wait!
Has the use of the internet and other online resources improved your study time compared to when you first started ministry?
Yes, substantially
Yes, some
No, these tools were already common when I began ministry
No, I do not use internet resources
No, I use them but do not think they have affected my study time
How are things different
Our numbers have not recovered
There is a marked feeling of discomfort among us
There is a more muted spirit in our services
There is an undercurrent of unrest over divisive issues that arose during the pandemic pause
We have come back stronger than before
I feel like in a few months we will be back to normal
As cases of the Coronavirus have surged...
Our attendance has not been affected
Our numbers have gone back down a little
Our numbers have dropped dramatically
Our numbers of in-person attendees have increased
Have you been asked to perform a same-sex marriage?
No, but we have had requests for our building to be used by a same-sex couple
What security measures does your congregation have in place?
an intentional plan for an active shooter
armed church members
electronic communication among security personal (ear pieces, radio remote, etc)
a no firearms policy in your building
armed private security on site
security cameras
uniformed police officers on site
metal detectors at entrance to screen for weapons
we have brought in outside experts for training and/or instruction
none of the above
not sure
Please Specify:
A number of preachers who preach at churches of Christ have begun referring to themselves as pastors without also be appointed to that biblical role (Check as many as apply).
This is a disturbing trend
This is disturbing but not a trend
I refer to myself as a pastor
While I do not refer to myself as a pastor, I do not mind being called pastor
I feel like most of the time I do more of the work of a pastor than our elders even though I am not appointed in that role
My elders are pastors and allow me the freedom to do my work of ministry
I am a pastor/elder who is in paid ministry
Please Specify:
Church Discipline and Shepherding
Our elders/shepherds DID NOT practice church discipline pre-covid-19 and I believe covid-19 will make them even more cautious
Our elders/shepherds DID NOT practice church discipline pre-covid-19 and I believe covid-19 will make them more proactive in practicing church discipline
Our elders/shepherds DID practice church discipline pre-covid-19 but I believe covid-19 will make them even more cautious
Our elders/shepherds DID practice church discipline pre-covid-19 but I believe covid-19 will make them more proactive in practicing church discipline
Covid 19 will have no effect on my church's practice of church discipline."
We do not have elders/shepherds but we still have practiced church discipline
We do not have elders/shepherds
2020 election poll for ministers. This is totally anonymous, even to me.
I do not vote because I believe we are citizens of another country
I do not vote because I do not like either of the candidates
I do not vote because I do not think individual votes matter
If the election were held today I would vote for Donald Trump
If the election were held today I would vote for Joe Bidden
I would vote for another candidate
I am not sure what I would do
I do not take surveys about my voting preferences
Do you think that if you had it to do over again you would totally shut down again, or would you do it differently? (we know you probably didn't make the decision before, but do you think you'd do the same thing again?)
Yes, we'd still shut down: I'm not sure but lean toward thinking we'd do the same as before
No, we might offer online but we would still meet for those who want to
NEITHER, we never shut down
How long is your typical sermon series?
I don't preach series
2-4 weeks
5-7 weeks
8-11 weeks
12 weeks or longer
What are the greatest concerns you have for your church family because of the pandemic?
That people will not return to worship and/or Bible classes
That the economic downturn will hinder or destroy our work
That our people are not growing spiritually turning this time and some will lose their faith
That marriages are being affected negatively
That your teens are not connecting at that volatile time
Please Specify:
My next planned role will...(IF you were to leave the place you work now and were to go to another)
be in ministry
NOT be in ministry
MOST of the time I find the role of minister to be...
Full of opportunities
If somehow "magically" the Pandemic ended on July 31, our congregation would be.....(thanks to Jeff Smith for the seed for this week's poll)
...better off.
...worse off.
...about the same.
Sunday Bible Classes: When do you believe your, in person, classes will begin
We never stopped them
We have already started back
When schools begin again
We have a plan and a date
We have a plan but no date
We are totally unsure
Please Specify:
Who typically preaches when you are away?
An associate or youth minister
We have a retired or ex-preacher who handles it
An elder
Another member within the congregation
I share the pulpit with another preacher
We bring in a guest
Please Specify:
When you speak in a Gospel Meeting, Summer Series, Lectureship, Workshop, etc and you are handed a check, when do you look at it? (survey idea from Don Williams)
As soon as it is handed to me
As soon as I can
After I am in the car leaving
I wait till the event is completely done and look then
I don't I let my wife look at it
I wait till I get home
This "Pause" has provided (select as many as apply)...
a welcome break in congregational drama
a rest from having to see and deal with some of the difficult people
a refreshing reminder of how important it is to be together
an opportunity for a fresh start
disruption in our mometum
a time to reassess our mission
a time to reassess if I should be there or not
untold frustration because I just miss everyone
a setback we may never overcome
Your church and PPP (thanks for Dale Hubbert for this week's survey question idea)
We applied for PPP and have received it
We applied for PPP and have not received it
We applied for PPP and were turned down
We did NOT apply for PPP
How is your congregation trying to keep up with attendance during this time? You can select more than one answer if you use more than one method. Thanks to Jerry Elder for this week's survey.
We are not
Texting attendance in
Phone call from members
Phone calls to members
an app
Last Sunday our congregation...(we may do a poll on next Sunday later in the week but, as rapidly as changes are coming it is a little early now)
...met as normal in all services yesterday
...met in all services but did some thing differently
...cancelled some services (i.e. Bible class or PM service)
...cancelled all services
...had a videocast service
Our congregation...
Has small group home Bible studies instead of a Sunday evening service
Has small group home Bible studies at another time
Has had small groups in the past but no longer has them
Has considered or is considering small group home Bible studies but have not yet implemented them
Does not consider small group home Bible studies as a wise direction
Believes having small group home Bible studies to be wrong
How do you feel about retirement?
NEVER! I hope to die in the pulpit!
Only if health requires it
I plan on stepping back and preaching by invitation but will eventually retire from full-time local work
I have a plan and am working toward retirement
I don't think it will happen, but if it could I would
I am already retired
How do you "check folks present" in your assemblies?
We do not keep up with attendance
We have a member (or members) who keep the role
We use attendance cards
We use clipboards that people sign in on
We use a digital application for people to check themselves present
We have a pegboard
We use name tags and count which ones were not taken
The elders check on the presence of their "group"
Does the congregation where you work provide a retirement plan
Of the congregations I/my family have worked with, I feel the ______ was the most pleasant experience. (suggested by Chase Green)
N/A: I have only worked with one congregation
What is your "go to" Bible translation for preaching/teaching (even if you use more than one - which do you use "normally")? NOTE: We did this poll 4 years ago and want to see if the numbers have shifted over those four years.
MSS (Paraphrase)
I preach/teach from original languages
Please Specify:
I get a cost of living raise...
every year
every other year
most years
as they track with other professions (same as teachers/government employees, etc)
I am a Youth Minister/Youth Worker/Associate with responsibilities with youth and...
I have no education beyond high school
I have a college degree
I have a masters degree
I have a terminal degree
For missionaries or former missionaries: I,
went on short term mission trip(s) before going into the mission field and it greatly affected my decision to be a missionary
went on short term mission trip(s) before going into the mission field and it generally affected my decision to be a missionary
went on short term mission trip(s) before going into the mission field and it did NOT affect my decision to be a missionary
did not go on short term mission trips before becoming a missionary
Do you oversee the topics taught in Adult Bible classes? (This week's survey thanks to Jim Dillinger
I pre-approve everything
I have no idea what topic/material the teachers address
The teacher always determines (so if I'm teaching it, I approve it)
The teacher determines with elders approval
We have a screening process that is used
In your opinion should we
post scoops exactly as they come in
edit scoops for space and sense
A little Thanksgiving fun. On Thanksgiving I will...
Spend time with my family
Eat a lot
Watch football
Prepare for some Black Friday shopping
All of the above
Do you have an up to date Will?
No, but I plan on making one
I went into ministry primarily because...
It was what my dad or granddad did and I wanted to follow their life
The influence of another minister
The encouragement of a church members (other than minister or parent)
I thought I could do better than most of the people I have seen in it
The money
I thought it was an easy way to make a living
Please Specify:
On retirement plans (thanks to Jon Riley) *Note: even if you do not plan on retiring but have a plan please select both.
I depend entirely on social security
I have a 403b an IRA, Roth IRA (or such) that I pay into independently
I have a 403b an IRA, Roth IRA (or such) that is paid patricianly by the church
I have a 403b an IRA, Roth IRA (or such) that is paid entirely by the church
I am depending on a retirement from another source
I never plan on retiring
On Scheduling: I...
have basically full control over my schedule
work with my elders/leaders to determine my schedule
have my schedule controlled by the elders/leaders
At the BETTER Conference we were encouraged to cut 5 minutes off our sermons? What is the average length of your Sunday morning sermon?(this week's is from Chris Vidacovich)
Until somebody falls out of a window!
At the BETTER Conference we were encouraged to cut 5 minute? (this week's is from Chris Vidacovich)
Until somebody falls out of a window!
Preach through a book of the Bible on Sunday morning.
Preach through a book of the Bible on Sunday evening
Preach through a book of the Bible on both Sunday morning & evening
Preach expositional sermons but NOT through books
Preach topically
Alternate between books and topics
Preach topically but "expositionally" with topics/text
In ministry training, I received good quality financial training to help me calculate what I would need support/salary wise for my first full-time work. (This week's survey via Chris Stinnett)
How many books to you average reading and/or listening to per year?
Zero - I don't
Our congregation...
has a full-time person, other than the preacher, who works with the young people
has a part-time person, other than the preacher, who works with the young people
does not pay anyone to work with our young people
What generation are you or do you most identify with as a preacher? (This week's poll suggested by Trae Darden)
Traditionalists born before 1945
Baby-boomers - 1946-1963
Gen X - 1965-1980
Millennials - 1981-1999
Gen Z - born since 2000
Do you feel like you are valued and part of the ministry process? (This week's poll suggested by Brian Gregory)
Yes, overall I feel valued and appreciated
No, most often I feel overlooked and under-appreciated
I feel like I carry too much of the work
Were the El Paso and/or Dayton shootings mentioned in your services Sunday? (suggested by David Duncan)
Yes, in our prayers
Yes, we had a special time of prayer just for this situation
Yes, in the sermon
Do you feel like you get an ample amount of encouragement to perform your duties?
Most of the time
I have in previous ministries but do not now
Does the congregation you are a part of practice withdrawing of disfellowshipping? Thanks to Kyle Mashburn for this week's question.
yes, we have in the last year
yes, we have in the last five years
no, but we do have a process for disciplining
How many are in a speaking club (Toastmasters, etc) to continually “hone” your public speaking skills?”(or lack of said skills). This weeks to Miles Mayo.
I have been since I began preaching but not now
I was before I began preaching but not now
I presently am
I am not and have not been
I have not been but would like to be
Have you read the Bible through? Check all that apply.
Yes, multiple times
Yes, I try to read it through in multiple translations
Yes, every year
Yes, but not in a long time
I have listen to it through
No, I've tried but keep getting tripped up
Approximately how many miles do you drive on average each month as a part of your ministry? (thanks to Doug Smith for this week's question)
1201 +
As best you can assess: How are video presentations accepted within the congregation where you are? Thanks to Tim McElroy for this week's survey.
I wouldn't know they are not used
They are not allowed
They are tolerated but I do not get the impression that they are apprecaited
Most respond very favorable to them
They were tried and were very unpopular
Certain segments of the church love them, certain segments hate them
They are wildly popular and appreciated
Please Specify:
It has not been that long ago that most churches' elders would screen guest speakers using a questionnaire. What happens now?
We do not have a questionnaire for guest speakers
We do have a questionnaire for guest speakers
We used to have a questionnaire for guest speakers but do not now
Does your eldership have a translation teaching/preaching policy? If so what version(s) KJV, ASV, ESV, NKJV? Check as many as apply. Thanks to Randy Key for today's survey idea.
Yes for pulpit, but not for classroom
Not a general one but they do NOT allow certain versions/paraphrases
How often are you compared to "the last minister" (or a previous one):
When speaking out of town, overnight, where do you prefer to stay? thanks to Matt Wallin for this week's question
In a members house
in a hotel
it seriously does not matter at all to me
Simple Technology Summit Survey: Dennis Washington is planning a tech summit for January 2020 at Maywood Christian Camp in Hamilton, AL More to come on that. For now: What area of technology does your congregation need training? (check as many as needed)
Audio (wireless microphones, digital mixers, improving sound quality)
Projectors / LED screens
Display Software (PowerPoint, ProPresenter, Easy Worship)
Graphics (Photoshop, Igniter Media, CMG)Live Streaming (software, cameras)
Social Media Evangelism
Please Specify:
Ministers and Millage: How much money does your congregation allow for mileage reimbursement? (thanks to Doug Smith for this week's survey idea)
It does not
I get a monthly lump sum
.30-.50 cents per mile
.51-.55 cents per mile
.56-.60 cents per mile
.61-.70 cents per mile
.71-$1.00 per mile
over $1.00 per mile
What is the average number of years you have been employed in the congregations you have worked with? (take the total number of congregations and divide that into the total number of years you have been on payroll).
1-2 years
2-3 years
3-4 years
4-5 years
5-6 years
6-7 years
7-8 years
9-10 years
10-11 years
11-12 years
12-15 years
15-20 years
20-25 years
25-30 years
30+ years
How do you feel about the following statement: Those members who flatter guest preachers with praise are oftentimes also the most critical/problematic of/for the local preacher/leadership.
Not at all true
Usually not true
Occasionally true
Usually true
Almost always true
To follow up on the last two weeks' polls on time spent in study: How many hours in an average week do you spend in ministry (not study time or preaching/teaching time)?
1-2 Hours
3-5 Hours
6-10 Hours
11-15 Hours
16-20 Hours
21-30 Hours
31-40 Hours
41+ Hours
How many hours in an average week do you spend in preparing your Sunday class?
How many hours in an average week do you spend in preparing your Sunday morning sermon?
Do you feel the congregation holds you as a minister to a higher standard than they do the elders?
Paul said that bodily exercise profits but a little. How often do you typically work out? Thanks to Adam Carlson for this week's question.
I try to every day
I rarely/never miss a day
1-2 times per week
3-4 times per week.
In our congregational singing we...
just sing from memory
use only songbooks
use songbooks and a slide deck (projected songs in some way), but most use songbooks
use songbooks and a slide deck, but most use projection
use only projected songs
I handle both the youth work as well as preaching duties?
Ministers and jealousy
I struggle with jealousy towards other ministers
I have struggled with jealousy towards other ministers in the past but have overcome it
I have struggled with jealousy towards other ministers in the past but have mostly overcome it
I have not struggled with jealousy towards other ministers
Ministry is typically _______ (check all that apply)
pretty much as I though it would be when I started
much more difficult than I thought it would be when I started
much easier than I thought it would be when I started
much more rewarding than I thought it would be when I started
much more painful than I thought it would be when I started
completely different than I thought it would be when I started
Full-time -vs- Bi-vocational
I am a full-time minister
I am a bi-vocational minister
I am a bi-vocational minister but at one time I was a full-time minister (if you check this please check other snd describe why your role has changed)
Neither applies to me
Please Specify:
Do you feel that your training (i.e. college, school of preaching, etc) adequately prepared you for ministry?
Paying for your building
We used traditional financing through a banking institute
We paid cash
We did a capital gifts campaign
We sold bonds (I have a friend looking into bonds, IF you used a bond project send me your contact info)
We do not have a building
We built it ourselves and didn't need money
It has been so long ago, no one knows
I share all confidential information with my elders regardless
I share private matters concerning members with my elders unless I am specifically asked not to
I share confidential information with my elders if I believe they need to know it
I rarely or never share matters concerning members with my elders
From December 23-January 2 will your congregation do anything different with your services (i.e. cancel classes, PM services, shorten Wednesday to a devo, etc)?
Our congregation...
has a planning meeting every year that is open to elders and ministers
has a planning meeting every year that is open to elders, deacons, and ministers
has a planning meeting every year for the elders only
has planning meeting but not every year
does not typically have a planning meeting
What percentage of the contributions where you minister goes toward missions? (This week's poll thanks to Jeff Collet & Jim Dillinger)
We have special day/contributions to fund missions
We are a mission work and receive support
51% or higher
Does the congregation where you are have a training program for future elders? If so, click OTHER too and share what you do well. Thanks to Philip Jenkins for this week's survey question.
Yes, but it is not effective
Yes, and it is effective
Please Specify:
LifeWay Research recently did a survey that got us to wondering how our guys might respond. What do you enjoy most about ministry?
Teaching classes
Visiting/Care giving
Community Involvement
How many Sundays each year do you not preach at the congregation you work with? (include: meetings, lectureships, vacations - including Sundays you are present but don't preach. If you are a YM or in another role, answer how many Sundays a year you are off).
What do you wear to the office each day? (Thanks to Chris Vidacovich for this week's survey)
Suit and Tie
Sports Jacket
Shirt and Tie
Office casual
Jeans and a dress shirt
T-Shirt and shorts
Whatever I want
Who goes to the office!
When do you typically prepare your lesson for Sunday morning? (Answer as in when you the sermon is pulpit ready for you).
I study and study and then speak from the overflow
I am seriously still working on it Sunday morning
Saturday night
I am more than a week aheard
I am at least two weeks ahead
I am about a month ahead
I am prepared for the next quater
I am a year ahead (if you click here, every preacher you know will send you hate mail, but is inwardly just envious).
The congregation I am at...(You can check multiple answers. Thanks to Jim Black for this week's poll)
...does not have a church bulletin/newsletter out our bulletin/newsletter on Sundays
...sends out our bulletin via email or posts it on our website
...mails out a bulletin each week
Did you have or have you had a mentor/other preacher to turn to for support and/or questions? (thanks to Robert Arnette for this week's poll).
Do you have a document (i.e. contract, job description, etc) clearly outlining what the church expects of you in your role (for any smart alecks out there...of course we mean other than the Bible)
I have one but it is very inadequate
My congregation does/does not do benefits - retirement, insurance, benefits, college planning, etc?
Does not
How often does the eldership shepherd you directly?
I always deeply love and shepherded by my elders.
I often shepherded by my elders.
I sometmes shepherded by my elders.
I seldom shepherded by my elders.
I have never felt shepherded by my elders.
I do not have elders where I minister.
I have had elders in the past who I felt shepherded me.
I pray with my spouse ...
I am not married

More on insurance: Do you have "non-traditional" health insurance? (i.e. Samaritans Purse, MedShare, etc) Health insurance is a real struggle for MANY ministers of every age. If you would be willing to share who you have your insurance through it might be helpful. Especially if you have non-traditional insurance (survey idea from Dale Hubbert).
I do not have health insurance
I have traditional Insurance through a major provider either from church, a second job, personally, through my spouse or her job, etc.
I have non-traditional health insurance (PLEASE click OTHER and share who it is through)
Please Specify:
Ministers and Social Security (thanks to Jason Sadler for this weeks poll)
The congregation I work with pays half of my Social Security
The congregation I work with pays my full Social Security
The congregation where I work pays none of my Social Security?
I have opted out of Social Security and I think it was a good move and am funding my retirement to my satisfaction
I have opted out of Social Security and I think it was an unwise move
In the last 1-3 years has the congregation's contribution that you are at experienced...
...a significant increase
...a significant decrease
...remained virtually unchanged
What type of "curriculum" does your congregation use for Sunday Morning Bible study in your children and adult classes? (read all answers first)
We purchase brotherhood curriculum for all.
We purchase "religious" curriculum for all (including materials from people who are not a part of the churches of Christ).
Each teacher creates their own curriculum for their class and rotate through the curriculum so all ages get the information before moving to the next class. Adults do not rotate.
All our classes study the same topic at age appropriate levels as we study through the Bible.
Teachers teach whatever they desire to teach but there is no method to the madness.
Teachers teach whatever the students desire to learn but there is no method to the madness.
Congregation (elders, deacons of education, etc) have developed a curriculum for our Bible School Program.
Purchase brotherhood curriculum for children but not for adults.
Purchase brotherhood curriculum for adults but not children.
Adult teachers teach whatever they desire to teach but there is no method to the madness and children use a curriculum of some kind.
Children teachers teach whatever they desire to teach but there is no method to the madness and adults use a curriculum of some kind.
Adult teachers teach whatever the students desire to learn but there is no method to the madness and children use a curriculum of some kind.
Children teachers teach whatever the students desire to learn but there is no method to the madness and adults use a curriculum of some kind.
Congregation (elders, deacons of education, etc) have developed a curriculum for our Children's Bible School Program but not for our adults.
We do not have an organized Bible School program.
I have... (feel free to check all that apply)
an education in the school of hard knocks
A certificate or degree in Bible from a school of preaching
An undergrad degree from a secular college or university
An undergrad degree in a subject other than Bible but from a Christian college or university
An undergraduate degree in Bible
A MA from a college or university
A MDiv (or equivalent) from a college or university
A DMin from a college or universtiy
A Doctorate from a college or university
Please Specify:
Have you ever had your vacation interrupted by ministry duties or expectations that caused you to cancel, cut short, or interrupt it?
Other than the first and most important line of defense, preaching and teaching Jesus Christ, does your congregation have any alcohol/drug addiction helps in place? If yes, click other and note what. (Thanks to Chad Loveless for this week's poll).
Please Specify:
Day care/school/MDO type program: Our congregation
Does not have such a program and has never had one
Does not have this type of program but did at one time
Does not have this type of program but is considering starting one
Does not have this type of program
Has this type of program and it is wonderful with relatively few problems
Has this type of program and it is wonderful BUT there seems to always be conflict in or around it
Has this type of program and it is more of a problem that it is worth
Has this type of program BUT would kill it tomorrow if we could
TRENDING? We've done surveys on online giving and churches. Here's a variation on it. It seems to be a trend that people are using their bank's "bill pay" feature to contribute to the church - because it's free to both the individual and the church and can be automatically scheduled. Do you have folks using this feature? (Thanks to Matthew "Happy" Hiatt for this week's poll).
No, not to my knowledge
Yes, but I do not know how many
Yes, maybe 1-5
Yes, maybe 6-10
Yes, maybe 11-20
Yes, maybe 21-30
Yes, maybe 31-50
Yes, maybe 50+
How Many Other Ministers Are On Staff with You (Part-time or full-time)?
Do you want your son(s) to be preachers? (Thanks to Jason Sadler for this week's question)
I don't have a son
I'd rather him pursue another career, but wouldn't be disappointed if he pursues preaching.
I'd rather him pursue preaching, but wouldn't be disappointed if he pursues another career.
I'm indifferent.
My relationship with my current eldership is...
Very positive
Overall very positive
Hard to deal with
Forcing me to consider leaving
Good with the group as a whole but bad with one or more of them
Do you have an organized program for Senior members?
We have a Minister who leads in that area as part of his responsiblities
We have a Deacon over that area of work
We have a committee or member over that area of work
We do not have the above but do have an organized program
We do not do anything special for our senior members
Please Specify:
Churches and annual goals: Our congregation...(multiple answers allowed)
...sets annual goals with input from the church
...has annual goals determined by the elders
...has annual goals set by the minister(s)
...does not set annual goals
Has annually adjusted attendance goals
Has annually adjusted giving goals
Has annually adjusted baptism goals
Has other annual goals
What does your congregation do with visitors/attendance cards/clipboards/etc? (thanks to Tyler Hallman for this week's poll). Mulitple answers can be selected
They go into the black pit of death (in other words they serve no purpose)
Someone inputs the info into a computer and we don't do much from there
We compile some sort of list showing attendance history and the elders or minister(s) review and contact or pray for those who have missed excessively.
We contact guests via a form letter/email
We call guests for followup
We write personal cards to guests
The preacher writes them a personal note/letter
We visit guests who turn in info
Please Specify:
When is the last time you did not preach the Sunday nearest Christmas?
This year
Last year
Within the last five years
Within the last ten years
Within the last 20 years
Within the last 30 years
Within the last 40 years
I take that Sunday off every year
I have never had that Sunday off
Best summer series? (CLICK on OTHER and post one or more of the best summer series ideas you have seen or been a part of. Feel free to post as many as you will. Let's share)
I don't like polls...
My favorite is when the speaker brings his best stuff.
Please Specify:
We have some sort of planning session/meeting/retreat...
annually on-site
annually but off-site
the plan is annually but it does not always happen
rarely or never
What is your congregation’s schedule the week of Christmas?
No changes
Bible class and AM worship Christmas Eve
Just worship on Christmas Eve
Just worship on Christmas Eve but at a different time than normal
Just evening services on Christmas Eve
We haven’t decided yet
Our church’s security plan…(Check all that apply)
…does not exist just now being developed
…has been put in place in the last month
…has been put in place in the last year
…has been in place for 3 years or longer
…includes locking certain doors after services begin
…includes all doors being locked after services begn
…involves specifically assigned people with guns
…involves communication devices
…involves parkling lot security
…involves monitored security cameras
…includes background checks on teachers
…was put together with the help of outside security expert(s)

To see the results of the online giving poll, go to or click on this link:

The greatest single source of frustration in ministry for me is...(Under OTHER, you are allowed one answer, 25 words or less). Your answer can be anything from congregational to as specific as possible without giving names.
Personal spiritual sin
Personal spiritual struggles
Family issues
Money matters
Time management
Study struggles
Congregational politics
Struggles with leadership
Physical Health Concerns
Deciding what to preach
Feeling of burnout
Brotherhood issues
Please Specify:
In relation to the sermon, when the congregation that you worship with partake of The Lord's Supper?
Typically before the sermon
Typically after the sermon
It varies often enough that there is no typical
What church management software does the church you worship with use (click other and put in the name of the software you use, or as close to it as you know)?
I do not know
Servant Keeper
Please Specify:
I get an annual cost of living increase and/or raise...
most years
some years

Under each survey click on VOTE to VOTE or SEE RESULTS to SEE RESULTS. Remember: The more results the more useful the data.

Does the congregation you attend have a Gospel Meeting/Revival?

VOTE                 SEE RESULTS

Is the congregation that you work with incorporated?

VOTE                 SEE RESULTS

Practicing Pure Religion...widow programs - Does your congregation have any organized ministry to widows?

VOTE                SEE RESULTS

This Sunday will you preach a sermon about/around/on or having to do with Mother's Day?

VOTE                SEE RESULTS

I have made a ministry move that was motivated largely by money

VOTE                SEE RESULTS


Typically I consider my sermon is done, i.e. ready to preach

VOTE                SEE RESULTS


Churches and day care

VOTE                SEE RESULTS

Would you, after many years, baptize someone who says they feel they were not fully immersed? 

VOTE                SEE RESULTS


How involved are you (or your preacher - if you are not the preacher as much as possible complete this in his behalf) in youth group activities? Please read all choices before answering.

VOTE                SEE RESULTS


How easily does your congregation handle non-doctrinal change?

VOTE                SEE RESULTS

My sermons typically are... (if you select the other box put your favorite sermon site(s)/resource(s) to use).

VOTE                SEE RESULTS

Counting Sunday morning & evening, how many sermons do you expect to preach in your "home pulpit?"

VOTE                SEE RESULTS

Does the church where you minister do anything special for you at the end of the year? 

VOTE                 SEE RESULTS

On December 25th our congregation will...

VOTE               SEE RESULTS

When Do You Get to Services Most Sundays?


Why do you attend Gospel Meetings?


What Days Do You Consider Off Days?

VOTE             SEE RESULTS

Office Hours...


Ministers and retiring

VOTE              SEE RESULTS

Ministers and raises


Elders and email

VOTE              SEE RESULTS

How do you plan what you preach in a Gospel Meeting?

VOTE               SEE RESULTS

What do you wear when you preach?

VOTE             SEE RESULTS


How many resignation letters have you written and NOT submitted them?


How often do your elders meet?


How often do you meet with your elders? 

Why Did You Become a Minister?

Ministry Friendships

Vacation Bible School Survey 

My sermon for Sunday is typically ready to be preached...

On average how many hand-written notes do you write per week?

Do you normally vote in the presidential elections?

As a minister, what is your greatest strength?

Which is more challenging to you energy wise?

What most influenced you to preach?

What is your "go to" Bible translation for preaching/teaching (even if you use more than one - which do you use “normally”)? 

How many missionaries does the church where you work support? 

Did you preach on the resurrection last Sunday? 

How do you spend most of your time each week? 

How many hours in an "average" week do you spend in personal counseling? 

How many hours in an average week do you spend in lesson prep? 

I get a cost of living raise as a minister every year 

How often do you conclude your sermon by offering a traditional invitation? 

How many Sundays each year do you not preach at the congregation you work with? (include: meetings, lectureships, vacations - include Sundays you are present but don't preach): 

Preaching SURVEY 
