A filled Stadium...

It’s one of those laments I think I’ve heard ever since I began preaching, I’ll be watching a football game with someone or at one and they’ll say: “Look at this crowd, if only this many people would go to church” or “if only people would get this excited about church” or something along those lines - you get the idea, right?

That’s always bugged me. I know the intentions are good, or at least seem to be, but it seems like a slap in the church’s face. While I lament anytime someone doesn’t make an effort to give part of the first day of the week in service to God - most do. Here’s a couple of things to think about:

Many of those sitting in a stadium went to church that day and are much deeper in their commitment to the Lord than the Titans, Cowboys, Packers (well, maybe not the Packers :)).
There is one pro game, one 50 to 70 thousand seat stadium for a geographic area. In that same area there will be multitudes of church buildings. In fact, take just the churches of Christ in middle Tennessee, north Alabama and southern Kentucky and they will more than “sell out” LP Field each week.
120,450,000 go to church every Sunday in America...fourteen games each Sunday 825,000 if all sell out.

And the commitment level to the Lord for a vast majority of these is MUCH deeper than that of even the most rapid football fan. Football for most is still really just a diversion, the Lord is their life!

What do you think?