First scoops of the day...some big ones.
A lot of news already today. Who’ll win the big scoop of the week:
Well, an early leader is Jerrie Barber who emailed me Sunday morning at 8:30 with his big news. He will begin working with the Hendersonville church in October as an interim. His pulpit work will actually begin in January. At that time Keith Parker will begin holding 25 meetings a year. He also posted that Jeff Finch will begin preaching at Eddyville August 17.
A confirmation scoop to Paul Spurlin who solidly assures me that Kensington Woods, Mississippi church has hired Mike Benson.
The North Broad church in Albertville, AL is looking for a preacher.
And I’ve got two scoops I’ve not been able to confirm I’ll hold off. What your news? Who gets the big scoop of the week? We’ll probably post again tomorrow with any news that’s come in. Have a great day!