What would you suggest?
For the last couple of years we have been blessed in Spring Hill to have a mayor who is a Christian and at Spring Meadows we have been blessed that he is a member here. We have not abused that but it has been a blessing. One of our deacons, Chester Darden is running for the city council (called board of alderman here). I love Chester and his family and think he would be a blessing to us in this role. And as a people trying to influence our community for Christ to have a member of the congregation (or any brother or sister for that matter) in such a position of leadership seems very good. But then “churches” that get into politics seem to never do well.
On one hand I think I hope Chester wins (if it is what is best for him and his family) and a few hundred votes from fellow Christians would probably boost him quickly. On the other, if we start mixing politics and church business it could get murky fast - seems like it could come back and haunt us. But then we have a lot of people who don’t even know Chester is running. It’s a sticky wicket :). So here’s the comment question of the day: What are your feelings about this? How would be the best manner for any congregation to handle things like this? Would it be inappropriate to say something like: “The Spring Meadows family would like to congratulate Chester Darden for running for City Alderman in Spring Hill. While obviously as a church we are not in the business of endorsing political candidates, we can celebrate the fact that a spiritual minded person like Chester has decided to run for office. This family knows much about this already, having had the blessing of our own Danny Leverette serving as Mayor of Spring Hill. God tells us in His Word that we are to respect our government leaders, so please remember them in your prayers that they will be spiritually minded in making decisions that will impact our families for years to come. Best wishes Chester!”
How would you handle it? I’m sure we’ll have readers on most every imaginable side on this one and as always behave in the comment section.