Total scoopage...

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OK we’ve got a few good bits of news today:

Two scoops today from David Swanger, lead scooper from North of Nashville:
The Daus congregation south of Dunlap, TN (Sequatchie Valley) is looking for a preacher. Running just under 100.
The Cedar Lane congregation in Tullahoma will be looking.

Steve Hunter reports that he is leaving Whites Creek to work with the New Concord church in Kentucky outside of Murray. Whites Creek is just outside of Madison in Davidson county. The elder to contact is Ray Jenkins (no kin to the scoop guy here) at 643-0498 or 870-9834. It is a "part - time" work, but convenient to Nashville.

Johnny Mack Young will be leaving Ivy Point in Tennessee up near Goodlettsville.

Trae Gay will be moving from Augusta, GA where he has been a deacon to work with the Mount Juliet congregation here in Tennessee.

Doug Brackbill is very excited to scoop himself. He is moving to Missouri to work the the Willow Springs congregation. Congratulations Doug.

The initial scoop came from Steve Baggett. The congregation in Franklin, Kentucky has hired Mark Jamieson who was with the good Eastside congregation down the road in Columbia.  Here is Eastside’s website where you can find contact information:

A classmate of mine from Freed-Hardeman, Ray Pack, is moving to Henderson where his wife will be working with FHU. He is looking for a church to work with in that area. Ray is leaving the Elizabethtown church in Kentucky where he has been an associate minister. If you’d like to contact Ray you can -

Brother Russ McCullough who is an elder turned gospel preacher is looking for a place to preach. Send him contact info at 704.506.3856 or

We extend sympathy of Billy Lambert and his family in the loss of his 11 year old grandson Caleb. He died in a bushhogging accident. This is grief upon grief for Billy and Louise as Caleb’s mom (their daughter) died giving birth to her daughter a few years ago. We mourn with them.

Finally, you would benefit from the excellent article on Jerrie Barber’s blog about selecting a preacher:

Send me your scoops...have a great day.