The 10 Commandments of Purity (adapted from Ed Young, JR.)

Ed Young, JR had this post a couple of months ago. I’ve adapted it for me and would encourage any of the guys out there to adapt it for their lives:
1.  I shall have no other human relationship before Melanie, including our children.
2. I shall remember our date night and keep it holy.
3. I shall honor Melanie on anniversaries and special days so that I may live long in the land the Lord has given me.
4. I shall not take the covenant of marriage in vain.
5. I shall not ride in a car or eat in a restaurant alone with a member of the opposite sex.
6. I shall not travel alone.
7. I shall not counsel a woman with the doors closed.
8. I shall not share the details of our marriage with others.
9. I shall not watch, read or expose myself to sexually explicit shows, books, websites, etc.
10. I shall remember the implications of committing adultery.
Anything you’d add for others?