Don’t you love the misc?

God is good...hold on tight for a bunch of info. Some of it will interest you:

Let me start with an observation and report to our gentle readers. When this blog started four years ago Spring Meadows had roughly 40-50 adults (potential readers), so while a part of my purpose was to encourage the members at SM our greater goal was to keep the people who were not members at SM informed of the exciting news coming from inside of SM. Somewhere along the way that scale tipped and now there are nearly as many friends of Spring Meadows who read this blog as there are people who are “not in the know”. Nothing there but an observation. Now for some reporting:

Sunday was a pretty awesome day at Spring Meadows. Yes, it was Easter and a high attendance day for many. We had over 100 of our folks out of town yet still had roughly 650 present. And the quality of the many guests we had we impressive. What an open door we have set before us.

Speaking of Open Doors (a Revelation reference if you didn’t know) we were contacted by the post office here in Spring Hill about the nationwide food drive that they conduct annually. This year they are trying to collect ONE BILLION pounds of food. No doubt like many of you, Melanie and I have for years, going back to Hamilton days participated in this, but other than knowing the food went to help the hungary we never really thought about where the food went. Well, SM has been offered the food for Spring Hill! I’m told there will be between 1 and 5 tons of food. We will need a host of volunteers to do this but what an open door. Please continue to pray for us.

Neat big news parts one and two:
First, Sunday night at SM somewhat of a legend will be in our pulpit. Rodney Cloud is considered by many one of the best in our fellowship when it comes to archeology. He will be speaking beginning at 5. If you are anywhere near you ought to come.
Big news part two: We are having a Big Day in May on May 2. Bring your neighbor, bring your friend, bring your dog and cat (well, not your dog). We’re hoping to have our largest crowd ever (did someone say maybe 1000? A goal larger than what we can imagine). We want to reach out. If you know anyone in Spring Hill who needs the Lord in their life, come and bring them. If you want to help us out that day, come and bring someone with you. That’s 9am followed by lunch and an early afternoon service.

I’ve been asked to tell you about two “help wanted” postings:

The first comes from Martin Pyle. Here is his note, partially edited for brevity:
“I need some help. I had a couple contact me about doing their wedding (I had married a friend of theirs). I said yes....met with them and began planning the ceremony. It is all ready to go and they are getting married (2nd wedding for both) at Montgomery Bell Park.
Now, the problem....for the first time in my life, I'm 'double-booked!'” (He has a family wedding that conflicted). “I am trying to find SOMEONE--ANYONE--who could help this couple out for their wedding on Saturday the 17th. It is all done...all that needs to happen is to read the ceremony...THANKS! They can contact me directly at 483-4349 (cell) or this email

The second “help wanted” ad comes from Ben Wiles up in Kentucky. Here is what he wants info on:
“I am looking for data that will either confirm or refute a hypothesis about Sunday morning worship services.  I am interested in knowing:

-- Average sermon length
-- Average length of a worship service (Announcements to Amen)
-- Average attendance
-- Average percentage of the audience under the age of 18.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that contrary to popular conceptions, larger churches have longer worship services than smaller churches, and the sermons preached during those services are longer than their small church counterparts.  But while members of small churches -- particularly those with a larger-than-average ratio of kids to adults -- complain about the length of the service or the sermon, members of larger churches enjoy the experience more.” SEND BEN YOUR ANSWERS TO

Man this is getting long. Let me close with a note about a new podcast that I am getting to be a part of. Michael Hite an instructor at Bear Valley, is “the MinisterGeek” and Caleb O’Hara and I are his counterparts in a weekly podcast called MinisterGeek. You can hear it at (search MinisterGeek) or you can pick it up by subscribing free at iTunes. This will join iPreach nicely on your podcatcher! By the way, if you are reading this Friday morning prior to 10CST you can catch this week’s iPreach live at TalkShoe.

Well, hope that brings you up to speed. Comments are invited below. Thank you for reading. Hope some of this was an encouragement to you.