Pomona Church of Christ - Preaching Minister

Church: Pomona

Position: Full-time or Part-time or Interim Preaching Minister

State/City: TN/Dickson

Church Attendance: 70

Elders: 2

Contact: David Banes, 931-209-2709, banesdavid076@gmail.com

Description: The Pomona Church of Christ has a need for any one of the above, full/part-time or interim. They average 70 in attendance on Sunday mornings. They prefer someone who is married. Call anytime.

Date Opened: 1/1/23

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Hillcrest Church of Christ - Family, Youth, and Involvement Minister

Church: Hillcrest

Position: Family, Youth, and Involvement Minister

State/City: TN/Springfield

Church Attendance: ~300

Elders: 7

Contact: Interested individuals may send their resumes to info@hillcrestgoodnews.org.

Description: The Hillcrest Church of Christ is seeking a “doctrinally sound” man to serve on a full-time basis as a TO READ MORE CLICK ON THE TITLE.

Date Opened: 1/1/24

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Tazewell Church of Christ - Preaching Minister

Church: Tazewell

Position: Part-time, with full-time possibility

State/City: TN/Tazewell

Church Attendance: small

Contact:  Kurtis Briggs  307-631-1840  Primary contact (other contacts see description)

Description: HERE is what they are facing in their own words: The men in Tazewell church of Christ have been in search of a minister. Jim Callahan our current minister is retiring because of poor health.  His retirement will take place when we hire the man to take his place. www.tazewellchurchofchrist.com.

Date Opened: 10/12/23

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Northwest Church of Christ - Youth Minister

Church: Northwest

Position: Youth Minister

State/City: TX/Houston

Contact: Tommy Ashton, tommy@nwchurchhouston.com.

Description: Northwest Church of Christ in Houston, Texas is seeking a full-time Youth Minister to work with our young people (Jr and Sr High) and their families. We are looking for a person who not only loves God's word, God's church and, of course, young people, but who also has zeal for evangelism so that he can reach out to non-believing family members and friends of our youth group. We are a multicultural congregation committed to foreign missions. Bilingual (English/Spanish) is a plus. Please come help us spread the Good News of Jesus in our community! Interested applicants can submit their resumes to Tommy Ashton @ tommy@nwchurchhouston.com.

Date Opened: 10/12/23

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Saginaw Church of Christ - Preaching Minister

Church: Saginaw

Position: Full-time pulpit minister

State/City: TX/Saginaw

Church Attendance: ~140

Elders: 3

Contact: saginawministersearch@saginawchurchofchrist.org

Description: The Church of Christ in Saginaw, Texas is searching for a full-time pulpit minister. The Saginaw congregation currently has 3 elders and 5 deacons, with a congregation of about 140. All interested candidates, please send your resumes and links to previous sermons (if applicable) to


Date Opened: 10/12/23

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Fountain Head Church of Christ - UPDATE, No Longer accepting applications, Preaching Minister

Church: Fountain Head

Position: Preaching Minister

State/City: TN/Portland

Church Attendance: 200+

Elders: 5

Contact: Danny Thompson   615-476-3805      contact@fhcoc.com

Description: We are a loving, friendly, and genuine body of believers who love each other as God’s family should. We love the children in our youth group and support them in a broad range of spiritual activities as we encourage them on their walk with God. We are mission-focused and support a great group of people evangelizing various parts of the world.  We have a diverse mix of young, middle-aged, and mature members who serve in various capacities. We are seeking a minister, who is sound in doctrine, who will preach and teach God’s Word and work with the elders and other leaders to "equip the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ."

Date Opened: 10/12/23

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This is by far the most major change coming to Scoops in the many years we have done them. So, be patient with us as we take a moment and explain both the purpose of the change and how Scoops should become even easier to use in the future.

When we began Scoops 15-20 years or so ago we had no idea how popular (and according to some) useful, they would be. We (Dale here), are just nosey and like to follow stuff and keep up with what all is happening. When we started there would be about 5 or 6 Scoops every month to 6 weeks. For varying reasons (all of which we cannot even understand), that number has doubled, and doubled, and doubled again. We now typically have about 20-25 Scoops every two to three weeks.

We post ANY church looking for any role as long as 1. They are not running from the name Church of Christ, 2. They are non-instrumental in their Sunday worship, 3. They do not use women in the public leadership of worship. While there are certainly theological reasons behind this, for the sake of space we will just call it a business decision. We are in the business of helping churches of Christ and Her ministers. If a person does not like that we are sorry. Sometimes people object to what we post, but our belief is that every church needs a good minister. Even a church that has hurt guys int he past, even a church that is “going a bad direction.” If you do not agree with that, feel free to start your own list. Others have. We are simply two brothers who love the Lord, His church, and His ministers, and want to help. We do not judge the “soundness” or “faithfulness” of a congregation, we do not have the time or position to do that. I like to say that we are the “want-ads,” it’s your job to kick the tires before you buy.

There have been a number of practical problems through the years. Among them is how to order or list Scoops. Do we post by state? by the order we received them? by role or position? etc. So, thanks (BIG TIME THANKS) to Blaine McKinney, who has helped us so very kindly and patiently with some other matters we are able to do this a little differently. Note: If you like the “way it’s always been,” we understand. Just scroll down through and it will look much like it has in the past to you. BUT if you are looking for a job, let’s say a youth ministry job, you can now click on “Youth Ministry” above and see only those posts. Or say you just want to see posts from churches in Alabama (cause who wouldn’t want to live in “the great state?”), in the search bar use the two letter abbreviation and you will find the openings in that state only.

There are a couple of other features here:

  1. Click update to just see roles that have been filled.

  2. We OFTEN get request at The Institute to get out information on various items available, surveys that we’ve been asked to help with, or other things we need/want to promote. We can’t do them all, but in this new format we did not want to lose that feature. So, these will appear at the top of the list and be called “Sprinkles.” Get it, like sprinkles on top of a scoop of ice cream. Thanks, for getting me Blaine.

  3. To see MORE on a church that is listed you can click on the Scoop and it will take you to more information. This, we believe, will keep some Scoops from being way too long but still provide interested folks with MORE if they want to know more. As always, feel free to contact us directly if you want to know if we know more about it that is not listed or you want us to put in a good word for you, etc.

  4. We will continue to send out the notice via email when a new batch of Scoops is available. You will automatically see the most recent 25 posts (even if the new batch is only 15 or 19.

Finally, we want to know how to continue to improve Scoops and make them more useful. Let us know what you think, and if you have further suggestions let us know. Thanks for helping make Scoops happen, they could not without your input. As always contact us at TJI@TheJenkinsInstitute.com.

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SprinklesDale JenkinsComment
Sprinkles, the perfect topping.

Sprinkle: 50 Songs of Faith & Praise songbooks and about 20 Bibles available

Contact: Text Greg Atkison for more information: 270-860-7567

Description: The church in Henderson, KY has 50 Songs of Faith & Praise songbooks and about 20 Bibles (different translations) that we’re getting rid of. All are in good condition.

Date Opened: 9/14/2023

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SprinklesDale JenkinsComment
Sprinkles, the perfect topping.

Sprinkle: Looking for 2 copies of the "Praise For The Lord" (Praise Press) songbook, the Large Print edition

Contact: Darrell Allen, Sylvester Church of Christ sylvesterchurchofchrist@gmail.com 229-206-3482 (cell/text

Description: They are looking for 1 or 2 copies of the "Praise For The Lord" (Praise Press) songbook, but need the Large Print edition (I think it was softback).  Used condition is fine & any color is fine.  They have two older members (one is 91 years old abd a "founding" member of the congregation) who have poor eyesight and really want one. They are hoping that maybe a congregation has one that they are not using.  They are more than happy to pay the cost of the books & shipping.

Date Opened: 9/14/2023

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SprinklesDale JenkinsComment
Misc Openings

Description: The following Scoops are compliments of Gary Hampton. We have limited info on them at this point so decided to list them together. Thanks much Gary!

Congregation: Jay, FL

Contact: Oscar Loflin 850-418-2121

Congregation: Century, FL

Contact: Randy Jenkins 850-336-6578

Congregation: Gulf Breeze, FL

Contact: Don Taylor 850-748-8298

Congregation: Chouteau, OK

Contact: Rick Bond 918-638-1014

Congregation: Luverne, AL

Contact: Dale Sanders 334-304-0054

Congregation: White Oak Chatanooga, TN

Contact: Luke Griffin 256-614-2367

Congregation: Central Fairborn, OH

Contact: Archie Caudill 937-231-6842

Congregation: Pacific, MO

Contact: Bryan York 417-986-6052

Date Opened: 9/13/2023

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Central, San Jose - Preaching Minister

Church: Central Church of Christ

Position: Preaching Minister

State/City: CA/San Jose

Church Attendance: 80+

Contact: If interested, please send your resume, personal and professional references, and a link to a video of one of your sermons to apply@sjchurchofchrist.org

Description: The Central Church of Christ in San Jose, California is currently looking for a pulpit minister who is experienced in preaching (3-5 years preferred), dedicated to the accurate presentation of Scripture, and able to show the relevance of its message to today's culture. (CLICK ON HEADER FOR MORE DETAILS)

Date Opened: 9/14/2023

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Elizabethtown - Associate Minister

Church: Elizabethtown

Position: Associate Minister

State/City: KY/Elizabethotwn

Church Attendance: 15-175

Elders: 3

Contact: For a more detailed description of the role of associate minister or to send a resume and work history please email the church office at etowncofc@gmail.com.

Description: UPDATE: KY: The Elizabethtown church is seeking an associate minister. The Elizabethtown community is set to experience unprecedented growth with the new Ford Battery plant already under construction. The associate minister will have the opportunity to preach one Sunday morning and one Sunday evening each month. The associate minister will also work with the young people in various capacities, especially in teaching Sunday and Wednesday Bible classes. Working in conjunction with the elders, deacons, members and pulpit minister, John F. Board, the team will seek to glorify God in the community of Elizabethtown.

Date Opened: 9/14/2023

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Hwy 109 - New Minister Info

Church: Hwy 109

Position: Preaching Minister

State/City: TN/Lebanon

Church Attendance: ~300

Elders: yes

Description: Matt Miller is joining the 109 ministry team! At 109 after assessing the needs of the church family and community and through lots of prayerful consideration, they are excited to announce that they have selected Matt Miller to join the ministry team. He will be joining the ministry team to work alongside Garrett, Hardison Moles, and Wayne Miller as they work to best serve for the benefit of the kingdom. Matt and Wayne will share the preaching responsibilities of the congregation in addition to helping them to better serve 109 family and the community around it.

Date : 9/14/2023

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Dale JenkinsTNComment
Skagit Valley in Burlington, Washington - Preaching Minister

Church: Skagit Valley Church of Christ

Position: Preaching Minister

State/City: WA/Burlington

Church Attendance: ~60

Elders: 3

Contact: Email assistant@skagitvalleychurch.org with any questions. Apply with resumes, and a video (or link to online video), of teaching/preaching to: assistant@skagitvalleychurch.org.

Website: https://www.skagitvalleychurch.org

Description: The Skagit Valley Church of Christ is looking for a full-time minister. They are in need of a minister to feed the flock with solid Bible-based teaching, who will help them grow spiritually and engage with their community. email us if you have questions. Applicants should send inquiries, resumes, and a video (or link to online video), of teaching/preaching to: assistant@skagitvalleychurch.org.

Date Opened: 9/14/2023

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Farmington - Preaching Minister

Church: Farmington

Position: Preaching Minister

State/City: WV/Farmington

Elders: Yes

Contact: Kenneth Yost Email Address: kyost@suddenlink.net, P O Box 117, Farmington, WV 2657

Description: The Farmington church of Christ is announcing our search for a full-time minister. The position requires a man well-learned and educated in the Word of God of sound Bible knowledge, good face-to-face social communication skills, and writing skills. A man that will work with the elders with missions of the church including but not limited to Sunday morning and evening worship sermons, Sunday morning Bible Lesson and Wednesday evening adult Bible lesson at need visitation program and spiritual visitation programs, adult bible school teacher, men’s leadership program, family life teaching skills programs, fellowship edification program, vacation bible schools, WV Christian Youth Camp and gospel meetings. Singing emphasis and nurture a relationship with sister congregations in central West Virginia.

Date Opened: 9/14/2023

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