Elizabethtown - Associate Minister

Church: Elizabethtown

Position: Associate Minister

State/City: KY/Elizabethotwn

Church Attendance: 15-175

Elders: 3

Contact: For a more detailed description of the role of associate minister or to send a resume and work history please email the church office at etowncofc@gmail.com.

Description: UPDATE: KY: The Elizabethtown church is seeking an associate minister. The Elizabethtown community is set to experience unprecedented growth with the new Ford Battery plant already under construction. The associate minister will have the opportunity to preach one Sunday morning and one Sunday evening each month. The associate minister will also work with the young people in various capacities, especially in teaching Sunday and Wednesday Bible classes. Working in conjunction with the elders, deacons, members and pulpit minister, John F. Board, the team will seek to glorify God in the community of Elizabethtown.

Date Opened: 9/14/2023