2016 - What I do know
The old song says “It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” And for many it is. But the month of January can bring it’s share of disappointments and discouragements. For some in ministry it can be especially harsh. Yes, some, even in ministry experience depression, the sting of loss, the exhaustion of overwork, the frustration of being taken for granted. I do not know what you might have dealt with whether it is loss of job or a family member, another year without a raise or a sneaking feeling of impending doom but I want to remind you of a few things you already know.
There's much I don't know like why they don't make “consideration/appreciation/ pills” but until then, consider these things I do know: First, while you say it often to those who hear you preach, you need to hear it yourself: God loves you. He loves you with an everlasting love - a love that is constant and prevailing. The evil one would love for those to be just words you pound out on a keyboard but that do not seep into your own heart. Second, your worth is not determined on this earth. Your value is much more than you bank account and is not equivalent to your income. Yes, you could make more, be more secure here, provide better - BUT the Kingdom needs faithful men, God’s Work needs you. After all you didn’t get into this for money anyway so don’t let hurts from it get into your gray matter. Finally, it’s OK to rest (in fact it’s irrevocably Biblical to), it’s OK to have a day when the sermon isn’t perfect (don’t beat yourself up every week), it’s OK to sometimes listen to the people who love you and encourage you and to turn down the volume of your critics.
It is our prayer that 2016 will be full of good things and that God will use you for even greater things for His cause this year!