Thank You
It was a great pleasure to spend the past week in Cuba. It was a blessing to be a part of the Annual Cuba National Lectureship. There were more than 250 Cuban preachers in attendance for this conference.
It was thrilling to sing with these men, pray with them, and to study the Word with them. Following one of the sessions I happened to overhear one of the Cuban preachers talking to the brother who spoke. I will never forget his words. With tears in his eyes he said, “Thank you, thank you for coming here to encourage us. Your message made me want to be a better preacher.”
My prayer is that someone who heard you preach today expressed gratitude. I hope someone said, “Thank you.” Certainly, your preaching blessed the lives of many. Surely, some who heard you preach today deeply appreciated your efforts.
My prayer is that some of them expressed their appreciation. However, if they did not, please allow me to say it for them. Thank you. Thank you for your study and preparation during the week to get ready for Sunday. Thank you for preaching the Word of God and allowing those present to grow in their faith.
Thank you for the great work you will do for the Lord this week. Thank you for the visits you will make, the people you will help encourage, and the Bible studies you will conduct. Thank you for prayers you will offer and lessons you will teach in special classes. Thank you for the time you spend studying and for the sermons you will preach.
Thank you for making a difference in the lives of people who are close to you and people you don’t even know. Thank you for everything you do for the Lord and His cause. Thank you!