You Can Relate...
You can relate can’t you? Some Sunday nights you’re just drained, empty, spent. You planned, prayer, prepared, preached, pleaded, and promoted. You dealt with death, disease, disaster, discipline, and difficult people and situations. You gave heart, mind, soul and strength to have someone tell you you mispronounced Mephibosheth. And you are tired - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. If the right call comes, or the wrong foot falls you could quit and think you’d be doing the church a service to do so. You’d like to just crawl into a hole, curl up and sleep. And rest will do you good, but may I suggest to you a regular new Sunday night habit? Believe what you preach! That God loves you, that He is forgiving, that He is the God of peace, that He will not abandon His person, that He is full of grace. Now, take a deep breath and pray: “Thank You God for letting me be a little part of Your big plan today. Thank You for the personal patience you show to me in my life and in my work. Thank You for loving me enough to send Jesus for my sins. Thank you for people who care for me and help me not to forget that even when it feels differently they outnumber the people out to get me. Thank You for being in my life. Help me to rest, to recover and to do it again - better - for You and Your Kingdom next week. Give my spirit peace. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.”