Better Than the Mountaintop Perhaps Sunday was one of those days for you. You know about that kind of day. One of those mountaintop moments that we can’t get enough of them. Maybe souls were added to the Kingdom by being baptized. Maybe families were identified with the congregation. Maybe you knocked your sermon out of the park. Maybe everyone made only positive, uplifting, encouraging comments about the message and about the time spent in worship. My prayer is that you have recently enjoyed a Sunday like the one I’ve described, or that you will be able to enjoy one of those very soon. However, we also live with the reality that there are those other kinds of days. Days when no one responds to the invitation, when we feel that the sermon doesn’t connect with anyone. Days when someone (or more than one) is critical of the message. Let’s be honest, days when we wonder if we have chosen the right place or the right path to serve God. Our brother, Peter understands. There were times he fell flat on his face. There were times he was his own worst enemy. There were times he seems uncertain of who he was and what he was doing. Then there was that one time, that time he was allowed to stand on the mountain with Jesus. You remember; Moses & Elijah, the voice from Heaven, the glory of God. That time! Later in his life, he wrote about that time. He wrote about how special that time was. Then he said that there’s something more certain than that. It’s the revealed, written Word of God. Whether your Monday is a reminder of a day that wasn’t so good or a mountaintop experience, remember there is something better. There is something more sure that we are all blessed to fill our hearts and minds with this week. May God bless you this week as you lose yourself in His Word! “So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts.” TJIAugust 28, 2016Comment Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Reddit Tumblr 0 Likes