Three Words
Three simple words form one of the most enduring imperatives for those of us who are ministers of the Gospel for anytime, any culture, any setting - “Preach the Word…” It works. It works because the Word is relevant. It works because the Word is God’s Word. It works because for the most part our brethren respect and crave the Word. So, “preach the Word.”
When you are just beginning a new work, preach the Word. When dealing with younger people, preach the Word. When respecting age, preach the Word. When times are good and the numbers are all up, preach the Word. When the culture is shifting and you don’t know what might happen next, preach the Word. When you are in the midst of controversy, preach the Word. When you’ve been misrepresented, preach the Word. When someone attacks you or your family unfairly, preach the Word. When an elder or eldership does not behave as they ought, preach the Word. When you’re weary, preach the Word. When you don’t know where your future will be, preach the Word. When someone twists your words or accuses your falsely, preach the Word. When you don’t know what to preach, preach the Word. When you wonder if you can continue, preach the Word. When you’ve lost your own way, preach the Word. When tragedy strikes, preach the Word. When your best friend becomes your worst enemy, preach the Word. When you’ve said goodbye to the dearest to you, preach the Word.
Preach the Word!
“And now I commend you to God and to the Word of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified”
(Acts 20:32 ESV).