A New Year Prayer for Preachers

HAPPY NEW YEAR! By now, many of us have sermons and plans complete for the New Year. Many of us talked to our people on Sunday about resolutions, goals, and dreams. Perhaps many of us have established our own hopes and dreams for the New Year.

We want to express our sincere gratitude to you for everything you have done for the cause of our Lord during 2017. Thank you for enduring hardship, difficulties, illnesses, and disappointments while remaining faithful to the work of Jesus.

We want you to know that we love you and we pray for you often. Here are some of our prayers for you. We pray…

That God will bless you and your family with good health and success in the coming year.

That God will give joy as you are about His business.

That our Father will give you wisdom in decisions you are making.

That He will provide peace for your heart when you are troubled.

That God will give you physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual strength to accomplish everything you desire to do for Him.

That God’s people will surround you, your wife, and your children with love, encouragement, & support as you labor among them.

That He will allow you to continue to be armed with all of His armor so that you can withstand the attacks of the evil one.

That our loving Father will allow you clarity of mind as you prepare your lessons and as you present each one of them.

That He will provide time for you to rest, relax, and be renewed when you feel overworked & underappreciated.

That God will provide you with more victories than defeats in the coming year.

That God will crown everything you do with Eternal success.

We will continue to pray for you throughout the year and we stand ready to help you in every way we possibly can.
