Preaching Isn't Always Easy



Sunday night our study was based on Luke 16. It was one of those texts in a series, and one of those nights that I just wanted to skip it and go to the next sermon. Who enjoys talking about Hell anyway?

Some of the latest statistics tell us that only about 58% of people in America believe in Hell. I find it odd that 72% of Americans believe in Heaven, but the numbers are lower when we ask about Hell.

It seems that the older we become, we think more about Heaven and would rather preach more about Heaven. Perhaps, one of the reasons it is harder to preach about Hell when we are older is the fear that people we know and love are there. Still, it’s the right thing to do.

So, if you had to preach a challenging, uncomfortable Sunday or you have one staring at you in the face, take heart. Here are a few reasons you can rejoice this week.

Whenever we preach the Truth of Scripture, we are doing exactly what God commands us to do. It should bring us joy to know we are living and working in obedience to our Father.

Whenever we preach we are allowing the Church to participate in the plan of God. Through the Church, the manifold wisdom of God is made known. Through the Church, the world learns of God’s plan to redeem man.

Whenever we preach, we are helping change lives, hearts, and eternity. It is God’s plan that preaching is the method, the vehicle through which men come to learn about salvation.

So, preacher, if you proclaimed the Truth in love on Sunday, be glad and rejoice that the God of Heaven has used you to accomplish His Will in this world!

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