A grandfather asked his grandson what he learned in Sunday school. The grandson said that they had studied about Jesus. Isn’t that always a great answer? How can you go wrong if you say you studied about Jesus?
The older man asked the boy what he thought Jesus was like when He was on the earth? Did He seem strong and brave or was he weak looking and fragile?
The young boy said, “He might have looked like you, Pawpaw.” After thinking a minute, he said, “No, I don’t think the Son of God would look like a fat Pawpaw.” Then the boy said, “I think He was more like the preacher.” Now that’s a very kind compliment.
But it’s true, my preacher friend. You remind me of Jesus. You are like Jesus when you proclaim the Glad Tidings to the precious souls that have been entrusted to you.
You remind me of Jesus when you seek to do only those things that please the Father.
You remind me of Jesus when you stoop to help a child.
You remind me of Jesus when you carry the weight of the church on your back and in your heart.
You remind me of Jesus when you reach out to help the poor, the disenfranchised, and those who are overlooked by society.
You remind me of Jesus when you spend time with older people who are alone and feel forsaken.
You remind me of Jesus when you follow the lead of God’s shepherds in the Church.
You remind me of Jesus when you go about your work without boasting and desiring the praise of man.
You remind me of Jesus as you sit and teach the Word of God to those who have never heard.
You remind me of Jesus as you love those who have hurt you by their words, attitudes, and actions.
You remind me of Jesus when you practice what you preach.
Thank you, preacher, for showing the Church and the world what Jesus is like.