As you know there are events that happen, circumstances that come our way, and situations that arise over which we have no control. We can’t keep someone we love from getting sick. When someone passes away, we don’t have the privilege of saying we are too busy to help with a funeral. We have no control over the way people act, how they respond to a sermon, or the way they handle life. We can’t stop our car from breaking down at the most inopportune time. It is impossible for us to have complete control over our own schedule. Sometimes life happens and at times it doesn’t happen the way we want it to happen.
What do we do when life happens?
Prepare for the unexpected through prayer. Some of the circumstances mentioned above hit us when we aren’t quite ready. It will help us if in our prayers we ask God to give us wisdom and grace to react in a way that pleases Him when life happens.
Work on building some flexibility into your life. Learn to roll with the punches. When we come to the realization that we can’t control everything it will help us deal with the unexpected. The more we understand that interruptions are a part of life, the better off we will be.
Do everything possible to keep the decisions and choices of people from ruling your thought life. When we come to understand that we can’t control what people do or say, our life will be much more fulfilling.
Spend some time with people who love you and will allow you to be yourself. We all need someone or some one’s who will allow us to vent and let our hair down when it is necessary.
When life happens, don’t allow it to make you bitter. Do whatever you need to do to help it make you better.