It Wasn't His Day

He had a chance to win a career Grand Slam today. Unfortunately, it just wasn’t Rory McElroy’s day. He ended up tying for fifth in the Master’s Golf Championship. He started the day in second place and ended up tied for fifth.

Every preacher has dad days like that. I know, we can’t really compare what we go through every week with trying to win a golf tournament. But, you know what I mean.

We spend days in study, prayer, and preparation getting ready for Sunday. The study and hopefully the prayer is intense. It takes a lot of time and effort. Our goal every Sunday is to do our very best.

The problem is, not every Sunday is a grand slam. Some days in spite of the preparation, we don’t do as well as we’d like. Maybe we aren’t feeling well physically. Perhaps we had a family crisis. Maybe you had a difficult elder’s meeting.

Here’s what we should never forget. God doesn’t expect us to be perfect. He has always used imperfect men to deliver His perfect Word. In fact, He can take our flawed efforts and turn them into a Grand Slam moment.

The promise is that He will use us, even when we are not at our best. If we study, pray, prepare; then deliver His Word to best of our ability He will bless the service we offer.

We also know that there have been times we didn’t feel great about the sermon, and someone would later tell us how meaningful it was to their life.

Don’t feel too sorry for Rory. He won nearly $400,000.00 today. And guess what, if you did the best job you could do on Sunday, what you did was much more valuable than any amount of money. You changed lives, you changed eternity, and above all, you did the will of God.

Now, let’s all start getting ready for another major Sunday!


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