I’m not sure how I can finish a Sunday exhausted when all I did was stand up and talk for a while.
Maybe it is because you did much more than that. Yes, to the uninitiated that may be what it appears happened but today you “held up the Lord’s beacon” to lost souls. You defended truth over error by seeking and then speaking truth. You went toe to toe with satan - defending the Kingdom of the Lord, invading the territory of the evil one, contending for the hearts of men and women. You entered into the minds of listeners to try to distract them from things of the present world and make them consider the weightier matters of the unseen, the eternal. You filled your own mind with the Word of God and buffeted your own desires to conform to that Word before speaking it to others. You made the effort to balance communication skills with filling your lesson with God’s Word. You listened to concerns of others, you offered counsel, you took prayer requests, your greeted all, you tried to connect with young and old and to make an impression on guests who you may only have one chance to connect with. You heard the serious (my child is struggling with x), the sublime (I want to talk with you about my soul) and the silly (the lights were left on last Tuesday night and you need to do something about it). You put your heart on the line. You made every attempt to love those who have worked against your efforts, to serve those who don’t appreciate your attempts to serve, to care deeply for those who could care less, and to encourage those whom feel everyone else has excluded. You tried to make an impact.
That may be why you’re tired. Take a few minutes, breath deeply, thank God for the opportunity to impact lives, and relax. You deserve it. We love you and thank God for you.
Recharge, relax, rest - cause Sunday is coming again in about 7 days and then you’ll stand up a talk a little while again! :)