I don’t know what kind of day you had but I imagine you are weary. Weary does not come just when it’s been a difficult day. Whether its exhaustion from the euphoria of the grandeur of what you do, the fatigue from the drive to the sermon, the drain from a discouragement that sits in your continual path, or the disillusion from your inability to be all you wish to be - tired sums up any of those. Weary.
Music moves me. Some Sunday’s a song Larry has picked out will be carried with me all week long. Songs express the emotions of our hearts. They feed my soul. They quiet the demons. They scatter darkness. They bring light. Here are some songs on my “don’t quit” playlist tonight: Tell Me The Story of Jesus, I love to tell the Story, His Grace Reaches me, How Great Thou Art, Be Thou My Vision, My Hope is Built on Nothing Less than Jesus blood and righteousness, Great is Thy Faithfulness, I Surrender All, My Faith Looks Up To Thee, I Am Thine, O Lord, I Need Thee, O I Need Thee, It Is Well With My Soul, 10,000 Reasons.
Are you ready to toss in the towel? Spend a few minutes in revitalizing praise. We hope you have a grand Monday.