This thing we do
Oh, this thing we do. It is emotionally taxing, it is tiring, it is frustrating, at times it is heart-breaking and soul-wrenching, it seems to be never ending, and eventually we all begin to believe we are not up to the task. we are spent, we are ineffective, we are not really needed, someone else could do it better. satan whispers in our ear that we are not needed, appreciated. And we are tempted to believe his hissing lies.
But then a Sunday comes and the skies open and the light of God comes into the heart of a lost soul and you got to be a part of it. A child commits their life to Christ. A young couple asks you to be a part of their decision to commit to each other before God and witnesses for life. A tragic death occurs and you get to be the person who goes to their house and stand with them with no words but just the right words. And they smile and say, “Thanks, I don’t know how we’d get through this without you.”
And in that moment you determine, I won’t quit.
Where else do you get to be a part of all of that in a day’s work?
We are thankful you have not quit. What you do matters. It is bigger than you know, it is more meaningful than you feel. It is eternal. You are not perfect and you know it, but you are God’s man and on His team. You are needed.