What's Next?

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It must have been the question that weighed heavy on their hearts:

When Adam & Eve lost their home in the Garden Paradise.

After the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea and made their journey to the land of promise.

As Joseph sat in prison wondering what in the world the Lord was up to.

When Jonah found himself on that special three-day Mediterranean cruise!

Even as Elijah finds himself in a cave concerned that he might be the only real man of God left.

When Jeremiah has his hands and feet bound, pondering if it’s time to take down the preaching mantel.

As the boat the disciples are sailing starts taking on water and they are amazed that the Master is sleeping on the job.

After Jesus has been crucified and His frightened Apostles lock themselves away from the angry crowds.

When Paul is shipwrecked, imprisoned, stoned, and feeling the weight of caring for the Church every day!

You feel their pain, their uncertainty, their concern, their fear, their apprehension, and their loneliness, don’t you? We all do. If you are in ministry, it’s extremely real to you. Maybe you feel it more now than ever. Perhaps the “what’s next” question is weighing heavier on you right now than at any time in your life.

The answer is the same for us that it was for them. We can’t always see or know the future. However, we know the Lord of the past, the present, and the future.

That knowledge will carry us through any dark days, pandemic, crisis, or uncertainty we face in this life. Even when we can’t always know what’s next, we serve the Lord who does. And that, my dear brothers, will strengthen our resolve, confirm our faith, justify our purpose, and secure our future!


