Preachers Need Preachers

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One of the best preachers I’ve ever known often says, “Nobody understands preachers better than preachers.” Think for a moment about how much sense that statement makes.  

There is really no one on earth who understands everything that is on our hearts, minds, and souls, as we go about our work better than another preacher. And that is why we need fellow preachers in our lives.

Do you remember what our brother Paul said about his young friend, Timothy? “But I hope, in the Lord Jesus, to send Timothy to you shortly, so that I also may be encouraged when I learn of your condition. For I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare.” (Philippians 2:19-20)

My observation through the years is that preachers who have “kindred spirits” in their lives are better equipped to weather the storms that come into their lives. Kindred spirits serve as sounding boards, confidantes’, and they also bring great joy into our lives.

As I preached Sunday night there were three preachers in the audience who have been friends for forty years. My mind was flooded with special occasions through the years when we have helped one another through difficult days.

Even though we’ve not lived close to each other through all of those years, we have remained friends. What is it that makes that possible? My belief is that we are “kindred spirits.” I’m not sure what I would have done without these men and a host of others like them in my life through the years.

I can’t overemphasize the importance of preachers having some other preachers in our lives. You will need someone to talk to who understands your life and your work. You will need someone who “gets it,” when you have struggles that most will not understand. You need someone with whom you can share the joys and heartaches associated with being a preacher.

My prayer is that you have some men in your life with whom you are a kindred spirit. This man may just be the one who helps you stay the course for many years.
