More Than Prep & Del
If you took the class, you’ll remember what a lot of us called it. Ours was a great class. We learned about the importance of preparing and delivering sermons. Hopefully, all of us have improved in both areas through the years. As a part of this fraternity, you joined thousands of others who spent probably tens of thousands of hours preparing the thousands of sermons preached on Sunday.
These messages were preached in large buildings, in small homes, and online. Sermons were preached throughout our land and all around the world.
I would like to raise the possibility that the very best sermons were not those we preached with our mouths. It is highly possible that the very best sermon of the week is yet to be preached. It is my conviction that the life of the preacher, as well as all children of God, will be the very best sermons preached every week. It might be your life or living out something you said on Sunday. You see, your life may connect with others in ways that our sermons cannot. There are folks in your world who will watch you and listen to you Monday-Saturday, more than they ever will on Sunday.
Our beloved brother Paul said that our life is like a letter written on the hearts of men. The question is, what kind of message are we preaching with our life? Will we cause people to want to know more about Jesus, or will we drive them away from the Lord? Will we present a message that brings hope, peace, comfort, and salvation to those in our world? Will we glorify God through the sermon of our life? May God bless you in the coming days, as you proclaim His glorious riches through your life!