Dream Little So That You Can Dream Big

Dream Little So That You Can Dream Big

In a few days a program that we’re blessed to be a part of will bring together thousands of young people. The guys who started the program a quarter of a century ago never dreamt it would be this size. They just wanted to start a spiritually enriching time for young people to come together and grow. It started as a very small dream with a few folks. Look what God has done with that.

You started with a little speech. Maybe on a Wednesday night or perhaps a devo at a camp or youth gathering. If you’re like a lot of folks that first 10 minute “sermon” was all you had. And you may have gone through it two or three times for it to last 10 minutes. Now, probably years later you’re a minister. Teaching and preaching hundreds of times a year. You never dreamed you’d be able to do so much.

We started with a little post that went out to a couple dozen preaching friends. A cry into the interweb trying to express the feelings of being blessed and struggling, feeling weird and different and thinking no one would understand. And today those posts go to 10,000+ who need encouragement.

There are two great old sayings that often live rent free in my mind: God can do much with our little. And, little is much if God is in it.

Jesus emphasized this truth often: “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much” (Luke 16:10). “His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master’” (Matthew 25:23).

So, as you stand at the door of a new year. Dream little, so you can dream big. Start something good for God somewhere today. You never know where He will take it.
