To Glorify God

To Glorify God

Our goal. To glorify God. To please Him.

But, have you noticed that things tend to get in the way. Some of them pure, some of them accidental. We start our ministry with this intense desire to accomplish the Will of God, to tell His Story, to make His Name great. To lead others to want to glorify Him in their lives.

But the life of a minister is long and winding and the pressures and responsibilities are multi-variegated. The voices that call us to “do their will, their way, in their time,” can get loud in our ears. The responsibility to make a living can clog our vocal cords from saying things that must be said if we are men of God. The wish to keep a job and influence the people can cause us to be hesitant. The call to keep the brethren happy and keep peace can drain us of the passion necessary to make the moves necessary to effect change. The never ending to-do list can zap our energies to fulfill our ministry and make us little more than tired over-glorified errand boys. The judgmental nature of some can cause our desire to be considered sound to keep us from studying the scriptures for ourselves. Many, yes, many voices.

Imagine you are Noah and know the world is coming to an end and your mission is to preach to a lost corrupt world aware that they are not going to accept the message.

Imagine you are Jeremiah and know before you begin you will not see success in your invitations.

Imagine you are Jonah preaching to people who it are wholly different than you are, and who you really don’t like.

You may be Noah, Jeremiah, Jonah, if so, the mission is the same faithfully and with love proclaim the message of God. Preach it to a world that is corrupt and coming to an end, preach it even when it is not producing fruit, preach it to people who are so ungodly and different in your lifestyle that it is challenging to like them. Preach it because Christ died for all of these. Preach it because it is your mission. But more because it is your goal to glorify God, to please Jesus.
