Pleasure in Serving

Pleasure in Serving

"We are well-pleased to impart to you not only the good news of God, but also our own souls, because beloved ye have become to us. " (1 Thessalonians 2:8)

Another new Chick-Fil-a opened up in our area last week. One of the serendipities of our move to this area was that there were so many Chick-Fil-a’s around us. I don’t remember who it was, but someone asked me if Chick-Fil-a was my office several years ago. It became a thing. Now we talk about branch offices. After all, what’s not to like about this modern marvel?

The food is delicious. Making the lines move along the way they do, is genius. The people who work for Chick-Fil-a are outstanding. I don’t know if it’s part of the training, but it seems to be a part of the culture. You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? When you thank an employee, they always respond with, “My Pleasure.”

I do not think we have to say it all the time, but what if it was in every preacher’s heart? It is true, the work we do should be considered our pleasure. The opportunity to stand in front of God’s people weekly and proclaim His Word should be our pleasure.

The blessing of studying God’s precious Word every day is our pleasure. Being able to visit those who are hurting or alone is our pleasure. The joy of working with shepherds and other ministers is our pleasure. The relationships built in a church family should bring us great pleasure. The thrill of studying with someone and baptizing them into Christ is a tremendous pleasure. Being a part of weddings, births, and even helping bring comfort to those who are grieving is our pleasure.

When we are down, discouraged, hurting, and even wondering if we can keep going, it might help us to remember that working for God and with His people is our pleasure.
