It's Saturday Night

It's Saturday night and it's been a rough week. This week! Busy work, difficult people, unfruitful meetings, endless obligatory visits, and one interruption after another : It seems all you have done is put out fires. And that doesn't even touch your own demons and dragons. To be clear, it's Saturday night, and you feel empty. Frankly, "you got nothing." Yeah, you've tried to study, but to say you feel on fire about Sunday would be far from the fact. It's Saturday night.

Then Sunday comes and the clouds part and the Lord's People worship, and the sermon clicks, and Lord is good.

Some days I needed to be reminder: God is in this! Pray, work, study, prepare, minister, check stuff off the todo list, but never forget: God is in this! You are His person, doing His Will, preaching His Word, serving His People: God is in this! Why would He not be?

From the first page of the Bible till the last, He is with those who strive to do His Will.

Paul said it this way: "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31).

It's Saturday night and God is in this!
