You Need...Times of Refreshment
I’ll never forget it. It was my first work. My first vacation. Melanie and I were going to take 5 days and travel from Alabama to Myrtle Beach where one of our young college grads had moved. We were going to spend a day in Savannah and one in Charleston. I mentioned in the church bulletin I’d be gone the next few days. A rather red-faced man came out and said: “I can’t believe you are taking a vacation. The devil never takes a vacation.” I was both dumb and dumbfounded. So dumbfounded that I didn’t know how to respond. So dumb that I thought the guy might have a point.
Today, I’d be prepared: “You are correct; maybe that's why he’s so miserable.” “You are correct, but my goal is to NOT be like him, so I’m taking one.” What I’d probably actually say is: “Well, God rested after six days of creation, and I don’t think it was because He was worn out. I believe the Almighty Omnipotent One did it as an example for us to follow. We need rest and re-creation, and He knew it.”
So, Happy Holidays (most of you know that’s what Europeans call vacation, holiday). The Holiday presents a multitude of challenges to us in ministry. For preachers, Sunday will be one of the high attendance days of the year, with multiple guests trying to influence and sway. Families will be under unusual and deep stress brought on by the pressures and expectations of the holidays. There will be those facing mental health crises from grief or disappointments they have and are experiencing. Increased expenses mean you’ll deal with more folks facing a financial crisis, and they’ll reach out to random churches. To be honest, sometimes it’s understandable that you feel as if the world is on your shoulders.
And, of course, there are your own personal challenges. I know.
I implore you, sometime in the next couple of days or weeks, find some time to renew, find some space to breathe, find someone with whom to connect and be blessed. Re-create. God made it for You, His Person (see Mark 6:31).