We recently met with a group of men from a congregation looking for a preacher. They are doing a tremendous job in leading the search. One of the statements that caught my attention in our meeting was when one of the men started talking about a preacher who had been with the church many years ago. Then, they all chimed in with comments about how much they loved and appreciated his work.
While it was not stated, their comments made me think they wished they had told him more about how much they appreciated him when he was with them. It was a clear reminder that people often appreciate their preacher, even when it is not always expressed.
Because of the nature of our work and the fact that we are frail humans, we enjoy hearing people we work with compliment or commend us for what we do. We need to know that if we are doing what the Lord wants us to do, He is pleased. And, there will be a day that He will say, “Well Done.” That affirmation alone should encourage, edify, and excite us.
Another issue we deal with, because we are human, is that we sometimes focus on the small number of those who complain rather than the large number who may not say much. When one hundred people walk out the door, and two say something negative or discouraging, it is easy to magnify that number.
May I encourage you this Monday to listen to the negative comments, learn from them, and then do your best to forget them? Remember that, ultimately, our Lord is the final judge, and in the big scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter what others say. Please rest assured that He is proud of you and will reward you by welcoming you into eternal rest. We love and appreciate you greatly.