While walking around an outdoor mall in California last week this little note on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper posted outside a boarded up store under construction. I really couldn’t make heads or tails out of what it was trying to say, but it was obvious that somebody was not going to take responsibility for something.
You know me, I’ll read more into it than there is, but it seems to that this little sign is a microcosm of our responsibility evading culture.
Deny, blame, excuse, evade, spin, redefine, accuse, sue, but don’t dare just admit, own, apologize and/or move on.
We see it in failed marriages, in parenting gone bad, church conflict or lack of energy, we’ve seen it played out big time in the financial disaster and government of late.
Not everything is my fault or yours, but let us be strong enough, good enough, big enough to admit it and correct it when it is.