Sounding off

I love a lot of stuff and frankly one of those things I love is that i love to laugh. I was in a lunch presentation not long ago and the guy talked about how perception “is” reality. And his point was valid though I don’t know that I’d go all the way with him. At least perception is reality to the person in their perception. So if a person visits your congregation and no one speaks to her it doesn’t matter how friendly the church is or how rarely that event happens TO THAT person the church is not a friendly church. So perception is reality to the person doing the perceiving.

OK back to my blog: We have been trying at Spring Meadows to get our speaker system installed. Because of complications we have had to spread it over a period of weeks and steps to get there. in the mean time I’ve just been amazed that people continue to hang around! Try as we might the sound was just poor. Our folks did the best they could do but with the equipment they had I’m telling you it was hard to hear most all over. They made the best of a bad situation but the situation was still bad.

Two weeks ago five shiny new speakers were mounted from the ceiling - lovely pieces of hardware BUT the “guts” of them were not here yet so they were not hooked up and therefore not turned on. They were just there.

That morning after the service three people (and if one was you, don’t worry, I can’t recall who an of them were...really) walking out commented on how much improved the sound was with the new speakers! I just thanked them...and got a real kick out of it.

Perception, perception, perception!