The Filling Station


My dear friend, Steve and I got together recently for our (almost) weekly lunch meeting.  It is truly one of the highlights of each week for me.  It is so enjoyable because we pray together, we discuss family, we talk about the church & our work, and we discuss our beloved Cowboys.  Funny thing, this year, we're still talking about the Rangers in Dallas and it's football season. That doesn't happen very often  

We eat at a large variety of places.  Sometimes (okay, most times) it's Mexican, sometimes chicken, and sometimes we try to find new burger joints.  This time we tried a place called The Filling Station.  It's a burger joint and it was really good.  The truth is, the food isn't always great, but the fellowship always is.  

I left lunch and driving back to the office, I started thinking about The Filling Station.  I started thinking about how the church should be like the old filling stations.  We should serve one another with a smile (John 13). People who come in with empty tanks should leave full. Full of the Word, full of joy, full of peace, full of love, and full of hope.  

Dear God, fill our hearts with Your love, with peace, with joy, and with a desire to serve one another.