
I was 18 the first time I saw her. She was coming down the old outside staircase of “Old Main” at FHU. She was wearing a blue shirt with the orange letters on it and I hollered across “the quad” - “Roll Tide”. I’m told she turned to her sister and asked, “who is that jerk?”

The next time I saw her was at church. She was dating the college hired minister at the church I visited.

The first time I remember talking to her was to get a ride to set up a job interview at the church she grew up at. She had stayed up the whole night before putting a presentation together. I drove, she slept and in between her little naps we’d talk and in between those little naps … I fell in love!

I was 19 - I still drive and she still naps and I’ve been in love with her now for 30 years or so.

I could say more, much more, but that’s enough. I hope you find the love of your life.