One of my dear friends was talking with another dear friend of ours recently and during the course of their conversation they begin talking about our friendship. One of them said of me, “before he knew us, his life was beige!”  While I may not agree that my life was beige before I met these two, I will have to admit that they have brought much more color into my life than I previously had.  

This conversation got me to thinking about how many Christians I know who appear to live beige, drab, boring lives.  There will certainly be days in every person’s life where we will not be on top of the world. However, generally speaking, if there is anyone who should live a joyful, colorful life, it should be those who have been redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus.  Jesus himself said that He came into the world so we could enjoy abundant lives (John 10:10). The word for abundant in this passage is the Greek word, “perissos.” It carries with it the idea of something that is superior, extraordinary, over and above, superadded.  It was this knowledge that caused Paul to say, “rejoice in the Lord always” (Philippians 4:4)

One reason that Christians need should live joyful lives is that when we do so we spread the beauty of the Good News to everyone around us.  There is an interesting statement in Ephesians 3:9-11 where Paul says that we are to make known the “manifold” wisdom of God.  The Greek word for “manifold,” is the word “polypoikilos.”  It is a word that denotes being marked with a great variety of colors.  A Christian who lives a “beige” life will never show a drab, boring world what real, abundant living is all about.  We should be, “the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place” (2 Corinthians 2:14).  When “Christ is formed” (Galatians 4:19) in us, we will live joyful, colorful lives and the world will see Jesus (John 12:21).  

Dear Father, help us live our lives in such a way that those around us will not ever think that the Christian life is a “beige” life.  Help us live the abundant life that Jesus brings us so that our family and friends will want to know about the unsearchable riches of Christ. Thank You, Father, for allowing us to have family and friends around us who fill our lives with joy.

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