One of our friends related the following story about a conversation she had with her son when they were on vacation.
“We took the kids over to a public beach today to look for shells and the wind was so bad it was blowing the sand against us and it hurt! The kids were crying so we left after about 15 minutes. As we were walking back to the car our son said ‘this is the best trip ever!’ I said ‘aw, that is so sweet.’ He said ‘does that make God happy that I said that?’ I said ‘yes, God is happy that you are happy.’ Then he said "is God sad when I'm sad?" I said ‘yes, God is sad when you are sad.’ Then he said ‘why does He copy me??’”
How precious is the theology of children. There is a sense, where this young man is absolutely right. The Bible informs us that we are “created in the image of God,” therefore we are like Him in some ways. We know that when even one sinner repents there is rejoicing in Heaven (Luke 15:7-10). We can conclude that if God is happy when we repent, it must break His heart when we are rebellious, or when we turn away from Him. We know that He is touched with the feeling of our infirmities (Hebrews 4:14-16), therefore He must be sad when His children are sad, and happy when His children are happy. Since hearing this wonderful story, I’ve been thinking a lot about times when we might bring happiness or sadness to the heart of our Father. Maybe you will have others to add to the list.
God must be happy when we obey Him, He is sad when we disobey Him.
God is happy when His children live in peace and unity, He is sad when there is division among His people.
God is happy when His men serve as the spiritual leaders in the home and in the church, He is sad when His men abdicate their responsibility.
God is happy when His women follow Godly spiritual leadership provided by faithful men in the home and the church, He is sad when His women try to take over the leadership of the home or the church.
God is happy when parents raise their children in the discipline and the instruction of the Lord, He is sad when parents let their children rule the home.
God is happy when children honor their parents, He is sad when they do not give their parents the honor they deserve.
God is happy when elders shepherd the flock, He is sad when they lord it over those who have been entrusted to their charge.
God is happy when preachers preach all the truth and the whole counsel of God, He is sad when His preachers ignore the teaching of Scripture for the ideas of men.
God is happy when elders, preachers, and all Christians lives are characterized by the humility of Jesus, He is sad when we are arrogant, boastful, and proud.
God is happy when His children seek Him in prayer, He is sad when His children try to struggle through life’s problems on their own.
God is happy when His children serve Him and others without complaining, He is sad when His children grumble while they are serving.
God is happy when we teach the Good News to others, He is sad when we develop evangelistic laryngitis.
God is happy when we grow in our faith, He is sad when we rest on our past knowledge and accomplishments.
God is happy when we study His Word, He is sad when we become convinced that we no longer need to study.
Dear God, help us live our lives in a way where we bring joy to Your heart rather than sorrow. Father we love You and we want to honor, glorify, and please You by the way we live.