"here we go along a scoopin' so merrily..."

There's a lot to scoop about today so let's get to it:
Our good friend James Hayes is going to Pleasant View.  I'm happy for him.
Will Baxter will be beginning to work with Wingate starting in February.  I'm proud for him as well.
In our neck of the woods, the Old Lasea Church,  in the Pottsville community of Maury County, is looking for a full time preacher. Old Lasea has an average of 80 people on Sunday mornings and about 35 on Sunday nights. The job would require teaching Sunday morning and Wednesday night class and a sermon on Sunday morning and Sunday night. Old Lasea needs someone that has a strong interest to help us grow and encourage new members from our community.  They would encourage visitation of the sick.  Their contribution is about $850.00 weekly.If you know any that might be interested please have them contact Mr. James Kincaid at 931-364-7144.

Southern Hills in Franklin is looking for a new youth minister. http://www.southernhills.net/

The Northwest Church of Christ in Winchester, Co, which is mostly a northern suburb of Denver announced the resignation of the pulpit minister, and will be looking.  The church has about 300 in attendance and there is a private Christian school from k to 12 at the building called Hyland.  It is in a growing area of the town.

The church at Oneida, TN is searching for a full time preacher.

Church of Christ
100 South Cross Street
Oneida, TN 37841

The Newberry Church of Christ is looking for a minister. It is a small congregation, 40-60 about 15 miles out of Gainesville in fast growing area. For more information, go to:http://www.facebook.com/l/b94857sm_RVbbrvrxGmezr4MU9g;www.fhu.edu/Libraries/SFgradbible_Jobs/P_-_NewberryFL.sflb.ashx
Jonathan Pettus (JP) is leaving his role in involvement at Mt. Juliet to go into cooperate work.

The Middle Valley Church of Christ in Hixson, Tn. (about 17 miles from downtown Chattanooga) is seeking a full time minister that is well founded in the scriptures between the ages of 35-45 with a family to aid in the growth of our current 120 member congregation.  Thanks again for any assistance you can provide and should there be other questions I may be contacted by e-mail: jadouglas1@att.net or by phone @ 423 847 8948 or 423 504 7118. John Douglas
So, what'd I leave out?  Remember this only works as we share what we hear about. If you want to be updated when we update the blog send me an email to dale@edge.net or RSS this feed.