Making an impact...

NOTES FROM REVIVAL TIME, Columbia, TN 3.11.11 2:30 - Friday - Making an Impact – Dale Jenkins

How do I make an impact - I’ve stumbled into most everything.  Every call - I want to shout, “me? you want me? Who couldn’t come? Who’d you call first?”  But I feel guilty saying that, actually, I’m blessed. And then I think - “I am nothing, He is everything.” Col 3:11.


1. Pray - ask God to use you.  Involve Him - He sees the whole future now.  “the risen Lord...” God knows what He wants to do with you.  BBB - Every life a plan of God."


2. Prepare yourself - “Oh, the places you’ll go” (read to Seniors had them sign) - “the waiting place”.  Waiting is no fun. BUT “they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strengths, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint.” But we want to renew our strength and mount up with eagles wings without waiting!  You have to invest, you have to earn respect, build credibility.  Those long lonely days when nobody comes by - make them useful. Don’t be average!


3. Prioritize your purposes - 1. Family-sons!  2. Faithfulness - “thy will be done” - God will not bless where His Will is not respected, His Will is revealed in His Word!  3.  preach - iPreach. So made a vow.  Sat down about 3 months ago and rethought it - Changed somewhat - I want to encourage others to make full proof of their ministry.

I looked back over some work I had done over 15 years ago on my personal life -

In my dealings with my family: It is my goal to do everything in my power to help my family go to heaven, to encourage them and help them see the tremendous talent and value they have as God's servants, to never let them feel undervalued or insignificant, to help them appreciate their heritage as I do, to give them my time, talent and treasure as my most valued asset, to share in God's Love with them.

In my dealings with my fellow ministers: It is my goal to hold up the hands my brothers in ministry, to challenge them to make an impact, to treat them as MORE valuable than myself, to never use them, to believe the best about them at all times, to help them see the significance of the work they do and to love them.  To engage, instruct, entertain and share in God's love for and with them.

In my dealings with my church family: It is my goal to try to keep up with, to encourage faithfulness, to exhibit such powerful leadership that we become an example of what a church can and should be!  To love richly and not hate any! To devote myself to the health and growth of THIS Family.


4. Promote what you think you can contribute - use the tools. Use every outlet you can find.  There are more tools than ever before...more opportunity. Less barriers.


5. Plan to work hard - make something happen. Lean away from the stereotype. Be the best you you can be!  Find out who you are and be the best you you can be.  Friend got out of YM and into pulpit. He was, in my opinion, excellent as a YM, average as a preacher but he felt he needed to preach.  Why?  Matthew 25 - talents - God gives generously - not equally! Some will have more talents than you - I’m sort of glad.   We deem those happy who from the experience of life have learnt to bear its ills without being overcome by them….Carl Jung (1875-1961, Swiss Psychiatrist)


6. Pinpoint what needs to be done - I have come to believe there is no limit to the ministries that need to be filled. Jule Miller...all the ideas are not taken and never will be!!  Then help others do that same thing in their life! Grow, learn!   I’m not done yet, I want to do more for Him!


7. Produce! "If not now, when?"…. Hillel. Sometimes I just sit and think - there’s not enough happening. Make it happen.  “capture every thought and use it...” - “...whatever you unto the Lord...” - Don’t just count your blessings, use your blessing!


8. Push past problems!  They will always be there. Sometimes they are ME!  My depression, my own insecurities about what I have to contribute - here is what I do then - I produce! I just start thinking, something needs to happen!  Sometimes the problems are outside - Miss Johnnie. Person who doesn’t like me.  Push past.


9. Partner with others - Matthew 6-you, singular - Our, plural.  There is plenty I’ve gotten to be a part of, rarely is it just me!  Here’s a great question from Dr. Lori Barr who serves on HCU’s board with me: “What can I do to help you reach a goal?”  Let


10. Pack it in! Don’t produce. Some of my most productive times are when I determine not to produce.  Creative loafing (Warren, “It is better to have loafed and lost than not to have loafed at all”). At the most productive time in their young ministry - Mark 6 - so busy they did not have time to eat - He said “you deserve a break get up and get away...”  Sit back and enjoy - Enjoy His goodness - “Jesus came enjoying life...” It is OK to be happy!  You deal with some heady stuff!  Remember the Joker? “Why so serious?” I know why - Young people - the stats, your own sinfulness, people who hate you - YOU better find something to be happy about or 1. you will quit, 2. you will be a mean person who doesn’t attract anyone to Christ. I got to thinking this morning about Happy Matt - we had a guy “Happy” - Matthew Hiatt.  Matthew - the happy Gospel.  Starts with a baby and ends with an ascension. 2:10 - overjoyed. 3:16 - God rejoicing (side note: we may miss what happens at baptism in Heaven - rejoicing in the presence - I wonder if this is not what happens? Heaven rejoices. I think it is God rejoicing) 5-makarios. Used 18 times by Matthew. Interesting - he’s been a self-righteous tax collector - NOW he knows the one who brings Joy.


11. Presume on God’s goodness-provision. Listen, trust Him. He will take care of you!  Do right and it will be alright.  Make your decisions on RIGHT not on politics, not on income.  It’s OK to be wise, but right is right.  Rest in HIM.  Be ready to be God’s person come what may - there will be some jobs you won’t get, sometimes you will serve in obscurity, some skills you won’t have - do what you can with what you have.