God, the Father, knows...
I’ve learned more about God from being a dad than any other thing in life.
I learned love ... real love.
I learned there is no hurt like when they disappoint you - you didn’t make them for that.
I learned there is no forgiveness quicker or more complete than when they say I’m sorry.
I learned there is no more joy than to hear from them just to hear from them.
You think you feel hurt God feels it more. You think you are angry when someone is mean to you, God’s wrath toward those who would harm His own fills a whole book of the Bible. You seethe as someone spreads hurtful stuff about you, God knows the whole story and hates the lies. You feel the tinge of being left out and unimportant, God can’t believe someone would exclude one of His either. You get laid off and feel the fear of how you’ll support your family, God knows. You feel confused wondering why some of God’s servants would treat some of His other servants with so little respect or even not like a Christian, God’s heart breaks for you. You wonder if your ministry has accomplished anything and if you should hang it up, God recorded every act and will not forget. You feel like the whole world is against you, it may be, but all of heaven is FOR you. God is a Father, you feel alone, you are not.
Set Paul’s words in your heart. As he neared the end of a life of faithful, selfless service: “At my first defense no one came to stand by me, but all deserted me. May it not be charged against them! But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me...” (2 Timothy 4:16-17 ESV).
You are not alone.