The memories are as fresh as if they occurred last week. Every Saturday night my mom would get our Sunday clothes ready. She would get our Sunday shoes ready (they were not expensive, we did not have much, but we had shoes that we could only wear on Sunday). Every Saturday night mom would “check” our Sunday school lessons to make sure we had answered all of the questions. Often times she would ask me questions about the lessons. Getting ready for “the Lord’s Day” was a big deal at our house.
It seems at times that Sunday has become just like every other day of the week. All the stores are open, ballgames are played, trips are made, and not much is different. Many people spend Saturday nights out on the town and seemingly do very little to get ready for Sunday.
I’m just wondering if we spent a little more time getting ready if we would enhance what happens in our churches on Sunday? May I be bold enough to make a few suggestions?
PRAY ABOUT OUR TIME TOGETHER. Pray for those who will be leading in worship. Pray for the Bible class teachers who will be teaching our children. Pray for the Preacher that the sermon will be Biblical and practical. Pray for those who might be considering obedience to the Lord. Pray for those who need to renew their love for Him.
To my preaching brothers, may I encourage you to pray that God will allow you to proclaim His Word with kindness and boldness. Pray that your mind might be clear and that your heart might be pure. Pray that you will be able to get yourself out of the way and present Christ. Pray the teaching of the Word might convict someone’s heart. My prayer each week is, “Dear God may the words of my mouth and the mediation of our hearts, be acceptable in Thy sight.”
STUDY THE TEXT. Most churches these days publish in a church newsletter or in some other form of communication the topic and text for the Sunday sermons. It would be wonderful if every member spent some time on Saturday reading and studying the text. It would help all of us to be more informed and more prepared.
Preachers, take some time to focus your thoughts on the message you will deliver. Read through your text and your sermon notes one more time. I recently asked the venerable George Bailey if he studied on Friday and Saturday. He responded by saying, “On Friday, Saturday, Sunday morning, and during the song just before the sermon!” He added, “Of course late in the week is not the time to start preparing, just the time to review.”
PREPARE BODY, MIND, AND HEART. It would greatly enhance the worship experience if we were all better rested on Sunday morning. I know that there are extenuating circumstances (children, jobs, etc.), however all to often; we are ill prepared because we stayed out or up too late on Saturday night. Being rested will help our singing, it will help the study of God’s Word, and it will make our worship better.
We all need to be sure that our hearts and minds ready for worship. We should spend some time thinking about what it means to commune with our Lord (1 Corinthians 11:17-33) and what it means to edify one another. (Hebrews 10:23-25) We should make sure that our hearts and minds are prepared to receive the Word. "I was glad when they said to me, 'Let us go to the house of the LORD.'” (Psalm 122:1)
There are other ways we can make sure we are prepared but hopefully these will help us get started. What are other suggestions you might have that will help us get ready for Sunday? Have a blessed Lord's Day!
Dear Father, please help us to give serious consideration to Your Day. Help us Father to make sure that we have prepared ourselves as much as we possibly can. Dear God, may our worship be focused on You and not on ourselves. May we give ourselves fully to You as we worship You and give glory to our Savior. In the Name of Jesus we pray, Amen.