Mom's desire to always be in attendance for worship. The way she stood up for Dad and always supported him.

Seafood & Chicken Box.

The way she stood up for her children and always supported us.

Shoney’s strawberry pie.

Her unfailing concern for people who were hurting.

Watergate Salad.

Hosting more preachers in our home than I can remember.

Strawberry Cake (that she made every year for my birthday!)

Reading the Bible to us when Dad was away.

Roast & Potatoes.

Making sure we always completed our Sunday school lessons.

Never missing a game.

Her trying to climb the fence when I separated my shoulder during my Junior year.

Knowing that every night mom prayed for us!

Locking us in her room with bolt lock, chain lock and sliding the dresser up against the door when Dad was gone!

The way she always opened our home to our friends. Our house was always filled with people.

Her love for Crimson Tide Football (Mom would try to hide behind the TV when there was a big play because she didn’t want to watch)!!

Mom's love for the Lord.

Mom's love for the Lord’s Church.

Mom's love for life.

Mom's love for all people.

Mom's love for her family.

Mom's special love for her grandchildren. She loved them all and she was proud!

Knowing that mom was a Proverbs 31 woman.

Hear, my son, your father's instruction And do not forsake your mother's teaching.” (Proverbs 1:8)

“...Do not forsake the teaching of your mother.” (Proverbs 6:20)

Dear Father, thank You so much for giving us our mothers. Thank You for the life they gave us, the joys they shared with us, and the sacrifices they made for us. Help us Father, never to forget how they cared for us, nurtured us, and taught us. In the Name of our Savior we pray, Amen.