As long as I can remember Thanksgiving has been one of my favorite times of the year. I vividly remember my Mom always preparing a favorite food of each person in the family. Often times we would have people into our home to eat Thanksgiving meal with us who didn’t have anywhere else to go. Never once did we think that any of those people were inferior to us. We always thought they were a part of our family. Most years Dad would give a Thanksgiving speech at the table. He would then require that every person (including our guests) tell at least one blessing that we were thankful for in our life. Dad was an emotional person and would often get choked up during his “speech” or when someone else was talking.

From time to time Dad would quote poems during his sermons. The following poem is the one I remember hearing Dad quote the most. It is an old poem that still has a wonderful sentiment.

Thanksgiving continues to be one of my favorite seasons. This year as I count the numerous blessings that are a part of my life they will include my family, my friends, the Lewisville Church, fellow preaching brothers, and Christians around the world. May you and your family be blessed and happy during this wonderful time of year.

Forgive Me When I Whine

Today upon a bus, I saw a lovely maid with golden hair; I envied her -- she seemed so happy, and how, I wished I were so fair; When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle; she had one foot and wore a crutch, but as she passed, a smile. Oh God, forgive me when I whine, I have two feet -- the world is mine.

And when I stopped to buy some sweets, the lad who served me had such charm; he seemed to radiate good cheer, his manner was so kind and warm; I said, "It's nice to deal with you, such courtesy I seldom find"; he turned and said, "Oh, thank you sir." And then I saw that he was blind. Oh, God, forgive me when I whine, I have two eyes, the world is mine.

Then, when walking down the street, I saw a child with eyes of blue; he stood and watched the others play, it seemed he knew not what to do; I stopped a moment, then I said, "Why don't you join the others, dear?" He looked ahead without a word, and then I knew he could not hear. Oh God, forgive me when I whine, I have two ears, the world is mine.

With feet to take me where I'd go; with eyes to see the sun- sets glow, with ears to hear what I would know. I am blessed indeed. The world is mine; oh, God, forgive me when I whine. (Source Unknown)

Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for the numerous blessings You continually shower upon us. Forgive us, dear God for the times we fail to express our gratitude and our love to You. Help us to remember that every good gift and every perfect gift comes from above. In the Name of Jesus we pray, Amen.