From the Editors

Preaching… preaching… preaching… preaching. Strong. Powerful. Text-driven. Passionate. Preaching. Why is it, then, that when many preachers preach on money, they turn into timid mice? It was God who said that our money reveals our hearts (Matthew 6:24). We start with an apology for preaching on it and a “Hey, if you’re a guest, you need to know that I don’t preach about money all the time.” The fact is talking to people about their money is a very sensitive subject. It’s also a very important one. And it’s also a very biblical one. V.P. Black often said that one in six verses in the New Testament deal with stewardship, and that Jesus said more about money than about heaven, or hell, or most any other subject. In this offering of H&E we hope to give you some tools and help on preaching and teaching on money—some tips and insights on how to build people of great generosity in your congregation.

Among the articles you will find two by our dad. Dad’s abilities, driven by his own giving heart, helped the members of the Woodlawn/Roebuck Parkway congregation learn to give. In 43 years of his work at that congregation, there was only one year when their giving did not increase.

We hope that, from the time you spend with this publication, you will grow in Hope & Expectation.

— The Editors