Heating up

It'll push up toward 100 degrees in middle Tennessee today and everything seems to be heating up. I'm in the middle of a preaching marathon and leaving Thursday for a mission trip to Guatemala.  Scoops are here with more to come. As always let me know what I missed or got wrong.  With that, let's get started! Been there, done that!  Neil Pollard has decided to remain with the Bear Valley church in Denver. I'm proud of and for him. But that also means Foote Street in Corinth, MS is still open.  I've been with them many times through the years and it's a grand congregation from all that I know.  You can find out more on their FB site.

From Ben Wiles of The Small Church Project let us know that the Florence Church of Christ in Murfreesboro has hired Bob Horn of Harrisonburg, VA as their new minister, replacing the retiring Marion West.  That leaves Harrisonburg open: http://www.centralcocva.com/index.html

And "take two" for Ben: The church in Hugoton, Kansas is looking to replace their minister of nearly 8 years. Liberal, KS has a population of about 4,000. The congregation averages 65-75 in attendance on Sunday mornings.  They do have an eldership. Along with his congregational duties, the new preacher will be expected to help with the Black Mesa Bible Camp. For more info contact the current preacher, Matt Russell, who is leaving on very good terms, at (620)428-5660. Or one of their elders, Mike Hershey (620)544-6688 (c).e-mail your resume to: hugotonpreacher@yahoo.com

The Oneida church is a congregation of about 100 t0 120 souls in Scott Co. TN.   Scott County is about 30 miles W. of I-75 and 11 miles south of the Kentucky/Tennessee state line.  They do not have elders at the present.  Michael Foreshea the most recent preacher left in April to preach work in Baton Rouge, LA.   They are looking for an experienced preacher, disciplined in Bible study and life. He will be responsible for teaching, evangelizing, preaching, visiting and working with the congregation. They want him to help in re-establishing the eldership. In their words: "Other job requirements:  Good speaking and communication skills, willing to work with oversight committee until eldership can be re-established, and willingness to be active in the community representing the church and seeking to save souls. Contact information: Oneida Church of Christ Attn: Search Committee 100 S. Cross St. Oneida, TN 37841. Call: 423-223-1000. Email hbjones@gmail.com.

The church in Rochester, MN., a church of about 40-50 members is looking for a preacher. They are located near the Mayo Clinic and they have an outreach program called the Hands of Compassion Ministry. They have two buildings that have multiple guest rooms. They use these to provide a free place to stay when a family has someone being treated at the clinic. Great outreach opportunity! If you are interested contact J.T. Harrison who has more details 251-510-1675.

Dan Wheeler has preached for a good number of years at the Concord Street church in Orlando. He will be going to Faulkner University to direct M.Ed. program. To learn more about Concord Street - http://www.myconcordstreet.org/

The Charlotte Avenue congregation in Rock Hill, SC is looking for a preacher. They currently average around 200 on Sundaymornings. They can contact Mike Rowand (one of the elders) at 704-995-4071or mdrowand@gmail.com.  Their web address is charlotteavechurchofchrist.org. We've posted this one in the past but we were requested to give them an update on TSB (The Scoop Blog).

The Clarksville Christian School is in need of an English Teacher and a Custodian.  To learn more about the school: http://www.clarksvillechristianschool.org/index.html. To learn more about the job openings: http://www.clarksvillechristianschool.org/employment.htm

So that's what I know. What do you need to share?