The Beatitudes of Preaching - Blessed is the man . . .


Blessed is the man who have the honor of working with God’s People

Blessed is the man who is privileged to stand before people with God’s Word and Tell Truth

Blessed is the man who gets the honor of being paid to stand up and Tell Truth

Blessed is the man whose wife stands behind him in this endeavor

Blessed is the man who endures the pressures and slings of ministry

Blessed is the man who knows the joy and pain of ministry

Blessed is the man who has the honor of entering into the hurt and joys of the lives of others

Blessed is the man who suffers for the cause of Christ

Blessed is the man who gets to create memories

Blessed is the man who can laugh at himself

Blessed is the man who learns from the challenging experiences of ministry

Blessed is the man who chooses to dwell more on the joys than the pains of preaching

Blessed is the man who sees the hurts of ministry as an opportunity to grow and to more closely identify with his Christ

Blessed is the man who bounces back quickly and forgets readily

Blessed is the man who is loved and respected by the best people on earth - God’s People

Blessed is the man who is blessed to preach…

We hear the horror stories of ministry and hurt over each sad one and the pain that accompanies such BUT we hear much more often of the brothers who receive blessings are honored for the work they engage in.