satan wants me to be depressed.
Depression can be clinical, seasonal, momentary or long-term. Here are some thoughts for those who struggle with depression... While I've been blessed to never experience pro-longed or depression that requires medication I do sometimes feel depression coming at me like a tank! And then I try to think this way...
satan wants me depressed. Because when I’m depressed I tell myself lies about myself and others, Because when I’m depressed I am not productive in the Lord’s Work. Because when I’m depressed I am more susceptible to sin. Because when I’m depressed I’m more likely to give into my baser side. Because when I’m depressed I think of myself and not others. Because when I’m depressed I don’t take care of my physical body. Because when I’m depressed it is harder to pray. Because when I’m depressed I neglect my study. Because when I’m depressed I want to quit. Because when I’m depressed I can’t see the future as being bright. Because when I’m depressed I don’t dream great dreams. Because when I’m depressed it is harder to see good in others. Because when I’m depressed it is harder to see God.
BUT God can use my depression! He can use it to make me more sensitive to others. He can use it to slow me down. He can use it to help me see my dependance is on Him and not on myself. He can use it to help me understand others who get depressed.
Here's my translation of 1 Peter 5:7 - "Cast ALL your CARES on Him for He cares for you"
And here it is from the NLT: "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you."