What are you?

A verse went through my mind the other day and I started thinking of all we are to be becoming in Christ. What a challenge, what a change and what a blessing we become as maturing Christians. The word “be” is used over 1700 times in the New Testament.  Many of these are instructing us and informing us of what we are or are to be in Christ.  Some are to specific people or groups (I overlapped on a couple of those). Some are what we are NOT to be … this is a list as complete as I could make it looking over these 1700 verses.



kind, tenderhearted, compassionate, forgiving, stedfast, immovable, abounding in the work of the Lord, found faithful, of the same mind, submissive to one another, clothed with humility, like Him, comforted, filled, glad, called the children of God, reconciled to God, ambassadors of Christ, the children of your Father, perfect, full of light, of good cheer, of good comfort, saved, converted, free, last, first, clean, fulfilled, delivered, content, great, prepared, ready, glad, children of light, loved, full, sanctified, made perfect, established, comforted, made righteous, spiritually minded, glorified, conformed to the image of His Son, sent, holy, transformed, full of compassion, of the same mind, subject to the higher powers, likeminded, blameless, found faithful, a partaker of hope, understanding, strong, obedient, reconciled to God, rich in Christ, of a willing mind, ready, loved, of faith, blessed, justified by faith, led of the Spirit, without blame, strengthened, filled with all the fulness of God, renewed,followers of God, without blemish, strong in the Lord, able to stand, able to quench the darts of the devil, sincere, harmless, found in Him, balanced, partakers of the inheritance, thankful, tranquil, sober, patient with all, at peace, grave, an example, rich in good works, able to teach others, gentle, ready at all times, sound in the faith, ready to every good work, careful to maintain good works, diligent, partakers of His holiness, established, swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath, a doer, be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ, in subjection, courteous

followers of what is good, ready to give an answer for the hope in you, clothed with humility, fellowhelpers, faithful unto death, zealous. 


We’ve got a lot of becoming to get to!  What a thrill to strive to be more for Him!

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