Kindness? In this Climate?
We live in a world of a lot of conflict. It seems the level of mean spiritedness and political divisiveness has spilled over into every aspect of life. We seem to be at a point where every thought, post, comment, like, etc it filtered through political bias. As if a democrat can’t have an intelligent thought or a homosexual can’t be a loving person. The polarization of our nation forum has only served to polarize us even more. May I remind Christians that truth is truth regardless of who says it and error is error regardless of its source.
This has infected even some who profess godliness to the point that they feel justified in being mean, snarky, or unthoughtful in their approaches to others. Some even have defended their ugliness as standing for truth. The fact is true truth has no need to ever be ugly, it stands without a need for any self-righteous or self-serving commentary. Still others in some misconstrued self-delusion think the louder they talk and the more caustic their approach the more they will convince others. And, if you don’t join in their “righteous efforts” they will turn their venom on you as one who is not willing to stand for right. I would remind us that 1 Peter 3:15 that answer we are to be prepared to give is the answer for “the hope that in you lives.”
When people talk about our dad, Jerry Jenkins, they have two comments. Either they will say, “I’ve never known anyone who led more people to the Lord” or they say, “He was the kindest man I ever knew.” Those two are not accidental or exclusive of each other. In fact, I’d assure you that one fed the other. I cannot remember the number of times dad taught us that how you treat others either opens or closes doors. That if you get ahead of the Gospel you may win some fights but you won’t win as many souls.
Yes, sometimes stands can and sometimes people’s reaction to truth will make them determine to not accept the Good News, but let it never be our attitudes that affect such.
I want to suggest that we do not have to comment on every social ill and that self-righteousness will harm the cause of Christ more than gentle graciousness. Please know that I do not believe he was perfect but while others were winning little skirmishes dad was opening doors and then treating people with such goodness that he won souls to the Lord.
I know it is challenging to know when to and when not to post, comment, react, but I challenge you to think before you do if that comment will actually lead to bringing someone to Christ or pushing them further away.
“…we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God” (2 Corinthians 5:20).