Which day of the week is my favorite of the week as a minister’s wife?

Monday is still looked on as the day most dread - Back to work - Back to school. However, for me, a minister’s wife, Monday is my favorite day of the week. For it’s the day three important thoughts enter my mind - I need to reflect, reset, and renew. Doing this allows me to move forward and encourage others in their walk with God.

Being at a relatively new congregation, I reflect come Monday and think of things we can try to do better. How the singing could be better, or the children’s classes could improve. Monday is not a good time to criticize my husband. I need to encourage him and think of ways I can make his job easier and more effective. The best thing for me to keep in mind, is how we can serve our congregation, and how we can bring others closer to God. I reflect on the Sunday before and take note of the people that were encouraged and those that need more encouragement for the coming week.

Next, Monday is a great day to reset after either a difficult week or one that brought many blessings. Prayer and scripture help me reset and know that God is near. They also help me know what God wants me to do in his kingdom. If I don’t reset, I can get into a bad frame of mind that can linger for several weeks or months. Monday is a logical day to reset for the coming week, instead of the end of the week where it can pour into the weekend.

Finally, Mondays can set the tone for the whole week. Allowing me to renew. No matter if I’m teaching a class, visiting people, or encouraging my husband, I set goals each week. This helps me renew my spirit and keeps me moving forward. I try to talk to positive people that see the good in things.

I encourage whatever day is your favorite reflect, reset, and renew. Let’s move forward as we serve in God’s kingdom.

Susan Monan, Pinnacle Church of Christ
